Calendar - fortnightly/monthly recurring events



  • Helen Arnold

    We have requested this previously as well. Interested in how you create recurring weekly events though as I wasn't aware that was possible.

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  • Julie Karas

    Hi Helen,

    It is Book Assets under the Resources menu. (Viewing in Timetable view). Only weekly is available currently.

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  • Helen Arnold

    Thanks Julie.

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  • Melissa Dobbs

    I too would like to see this functionality added to the calendar events

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  • Katherine Faull

    We would really love to see monthly patterns as an option as well!

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  • Charmaine Oliver

    one of our biggest programs in the delivery of apprenticeship qualifications over 3 years and it takes us a ridiculous amount of time to manually create MONTHLY training patterns 

    in many many phone conversations and paid training sessions we have been told you are working on this but to date this has not happened  

    Please look at it because it takes us 30 minutes to make a 3 year calendar .. this is not viable for us 

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  • Amelia Daw

    it would be good if you could set it to whatever interval you needed

    EG: every 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, monthly etc

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  • Charmaine Oliver

    Yes, Amelia thats exactly what we need,

    Our RTO delivers scheduled calendared monthly training (e.g., the 3rd Thursday of each month). At this minute aX can only generate every 4 weeks therefore it doesn't take many months and you end up with 2 sessions per month.  It is taking us 30 mins to create an individual apprenticeship calendar.  We were told mid last year that aX were working on it but to date nothing. 

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  • Glen Parker

    Agreed - range of options for scheduling recurring events (daily, weekly, fortnightly, etc) would be great. Would also be great if follow up tasks could have the option to be added to the calendar. This option is available when scheduling a participant activity and is very handy. 

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  • Jessica Hirjee

    This is a great idea- too much time is spent adding things individually every week for a whole year calendar.

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  • Karen Seager

    The option to have recurring events in calendars would save a lot of time, particularly where there is a large training staff, because regular rostered time off could be done once for a calendar year rather than having to add it in individually for each person. 

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  • Jo Glover

    We would love to be able to have recurring calendar events also. I see this was suggested 5 years ago with quite a few agreeing with it so hopefully it's something that can be implemented soon? 

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  • Jana Gumovsky

    This seems like such a universal issue with a lot of clients being able to benefit greatly from this update. With the end of the calendar year nearing we are building our calendars for 2024 and having to add multiple recurring events for each trainer without the ability to copy and paste the event is a very time consuming process.

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