ECAF Progressions




  • Official comment
    Rod Staines

    Good afternoon All,

    We have completed the eCAF Integration and have published an article here with some information and instructional videos.

    Please reach out to our team if you have any questions.

    Kind regards,

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  • Ferran Vega


    In my opinion, this will be a great advantage for any RTO.

    Creating eCAF progression reports are crucial for any RTO using VSL. The ability for the SMS to be able to make the eCAF progression report will be a crucial time saver. At the same time, it will improve the processes of any RTO using VSL.


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  • Jenny Kinch

    We chose Axcelerate to manage our student data to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and accuracy.  

    eCAF reports are an ideal task to showcase the benefits of Axcelerate, this feature would be of benefit to all your current users providing VSL and would be a big drawcard for future organisations.

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  • Julia Mahon
    I think this would be a great idea and really help all RTOS with their time management. It will also avoid any manual error on forgetting to complete the progressions.
    Great idea to implement.
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  • Nicole Maloni

    This would absolutely be an advantage to have as part of the system instead of manually having to populate the data to upload directly in the eCAF system.

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  • Sarah Starski

    so i just found out when i was at a VSL seminar that most SMS already do this.

    AXC is behind the times on this one.

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  • Lauren Gale

    We would love this to be available. 

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    I have discussed an eCAF integration with our Product Manager this morning.

    We are going to investigate this integration as part of our upcoming development cycle (two weeks) starting on Monday, March 18th. Once the investigation is complete I will update you again with our intentions.

    There is a related eCAF post which has been closed to commenting 

    Thank you all for your comments.

    Kind regards,

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  • Helen Simkins

    Hi there,

    eCAF progression reports are an essential part of being compliant with VET Student Loans.

    Please provide an update on an API interaction between aX and eCAF?
    How long do you envisage it being before you are able to provide this functionality?

    Thank you very much

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  • Rod Staines

    Good morning All,

    Our team have completed the initial phase of the eCAF integration. We will now work with a few select clients to beta test and provide feedback on the integration in its current form prior to a full release.

    Kind regards,

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  • Sarah Starski

    Fantastic news.

    Thanks for the update. We look forward to seeing the final product.

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  • Helen Simkins

    Thank you very much Rod. Is there any indication of a time frame for roll out of the functionality?

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  • Rod Staines

    Good morning Helen,

    We have created the integration and involved Sarah (in this thread) in our testing. Based on Sarah's and our team's feedback, we have a list of improvements to be added which is being worked on right now.

    Kind regards,

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  • Helen Simkins

    Thank you very much Rob - we look forward to the addition

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