Archive or Inactive option in Resource Library
CompletedWe would like to suggest the option to Archive or make Resources Inactive rather than only the option to Delete.
Currently, if a resource is Deleted the historical resources disappear and only a listing of the resource remains in the Deleted area. If a resource has undergone several updates in its lifetime, it would be very time consuming to download and save all iterations of the resource to an external location before deleting (so people don't accidentally access in the Resource Library).
If there was an option to make resources Inactive (same as Groups, Workshop Types, Contacts etc). RTOs would be able retain all the historical information about the resources, including versioning / updates and the actual resource, for future audits without polluting their library with resources which are not relevant to current operations.
We would like the same! We are releasing a new suite of resources and due to the size limitations we will need to host the some of the files elsewhere and add the resource to axcelerate as a link. Currently we are also unable to change a reource from a file to a link so this also wouldnt work.
I'm re-commenting on this suggestion from a few years ago as we are finding our Resource Library is getting very full with resources we need to keep history of but don't use. The only solution we have had to this so far is to create a Category of ZZZ - Archived DO NOT USE and move all resources into that category with an amended title of ZZZ 'resource name'
This means we have a LOT of ZZZ resources still coming up in searches when we only want to find current resources. -
I first raised a request to be able to archive (or make inactive) Resources in 2016 and there has still been no action in this area. We created a ZZZ Archived category and renamed all inactive resources to commence with ZZZ - but even this way of managing old resources is getting messy within the system.
We do not delete any resources as we treat the aX Resource Library as our 'single source of truth' for these resources.
If we were to delete resources which are no longer in use, we would still need to save every previous version of a resource to another location before deleting. This seems a complete waste versus an Inactive or Archived feature.
Hi Team! I am about to clean up our resource library and will have to do the same as Claire has advised before deleting them. Despite 16 votes over the years, this still seems to be something aXcelerate are not willing to assist its clients with. Any chance of an update on why this may be?
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