Bulk add new contacts from csv (or similar)




  • Official comment
    Rod Staines

    Good afternoon all,

    I will discuss this with our product manager next week and see if we can have the work scheduled for an upcoming release.

    Kind regards,


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  • Len Bytheway


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  • Jeremy Rota

    I agree, and along these lines provide an interface or access to the back end  for System Admin to run scripts to bulk update students based on certian criteria. ie changing 90-70 results at the end of the calendar year. There are many other instances where this would be handy.

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  • Kysha Davies

    So true!  I hope they develop this soon!

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  • Mark Costello

    Our developer is currently building something like this to run on our intranet through the aXcelerate API. 

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  • Matthew Taylor

    Any update on this one Mark Costello?

    The ability to add multiple contacts via CSV is standard with almost all software similar to Axcelerate.  Any RTO dealing with large volumes of leads and contacts can spend a lot of time manually adding these.


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  • Mark Costello

    We had to shelve that project for a while Matthew due to other priorities but it is still on the to-do-list if aXcelerate don't develop it in the system first.

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  • Matthew Taylor

    I'm talking to our developers soon and will hopefully get it done early next year. I'll let you know how it goes

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Good idea. I currently have a list of companies we want to add and to do a bulk upload, instead of individually loading them, would be so beneficial. 

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  • Marty Knoll

    We have just written our own csv import script using the API as it was taking to long to add contacts individually. We just add the missing information in aXcelerate.

    Not really a complicated feature to write. Took me about 15 minutes. Didn't realise this thread was three years old.

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  • Andrew Conkey

    Hi Marty - I am also thinking of going down this path and developing something similar. Are you still using? If so, how do you (or what are the steps) you use to import  the csv into aXcelerate.

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  • Marty Knoll

    Yes - Just used php to break up the csv at the commas then break up the parts into an array. Then I just cycled through the array calling the aXcelerate insert user call via the api entering their details and also adding a source code and a category so they can be found easily as being added via an import. 

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  • Andrew Conkey

    Great. Thanks Marty.

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  • Nicky Bruce

    Did this end up happening???  We would love to use this feature too

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Nicky,

    We have done part of the work involved, but the feature still requires some additional work. We do not have an estimated release date at the moment.

    Kind regards,

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  • Pooja Bharadwaj

    Hi Marty,

    It would be great if you could explain the process of using your custom script to import contacts into axcelerate. 

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  • Pooja Dhaga

    Hi Marty,

    Do you have a help file for this.. since there is no further work on this feature by Axcelerate. 

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  • Michelle Ludlow


    Is there any update on this feature?

    Thanks, Michelle

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  • Rod Staines

    Good morning Michelle,

    Yes, we still have the task on our product roadmap, but I don't have any ETA for you sorry.


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  • Marty Knoll

    I'm still just using php with the API - Not really that difficult. Not sure why it takes Axcelerate so many years. Literally took me a few hours of researching the API and a few minutes writing some code

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Marty,

    That's great that you managed to build a simple solution.

    It's not that the task is difficult, it's just that we're managing many competing priorities. Unfortunately, this is just one of the hundreds of requests we're managing with limited development resources.


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  • Allie Johnstone

    Is there any update to this request? This would be an amazing feature to have especially doing peak volume times teach term and semester.

    I've spent a few hours looking for solutions as Marty has mentioned but haven't come up with anything useful.

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  • Megan Kimpton

    Hi! Has there been any progress on this? Is this now something that we can do in the system?

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  • Caitlin Houlihan

    It looks like this post has been marked resolved - which may be why the requests for an update have gone unanswered/ignored.

    I've created a new post: https://support.axcelerate.com.au/hc/en-gb/community/posts/10506919589647-Bulk-cvs-upload-for-contact-creation

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