Adding more than 1 email address to a person's profile




  • Official comment
    Rod Staines

    Hi Karen,

    We appreciate your input into our Ideas Forum. Your suggestion sounds simple enough, however, to achieve a proper implementation and consistency across the entire system we need to allocate a significant amount of development time.

    When we implement this feature it would most likely allow you to use the additional email address in multiple other areas of the system (workflow etc).

    We will continue to monitor the popularity of this post.

    Kind regards,

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  • Deirdre Ackerman

    I agree. This issue also presents when a generic work email is used for several people and USI generation objects if email is not unique

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  • Permanently deleted user

    I agree. This would help when trying to determine if the person is already a client, as sometimes they inquire using another email address, and that is the only identification.

    ...and for students who alternate between their work email and home email (over holiday periods, etc).

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  • Stephanie Barbara

    I agree. This would be a very useful feature. At the moment, I paste the extra email into the website field just to keep a record of it. Very annoying to email twice.

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  • Andrew Rowland

    Also being able to send email to both email addresses, in the case where someone needs to be cc'd on all communication with a contact. Having a list of email addresses, even just in the email field separated by ';', where all communication was sent to all those email addresses would be very useful. 

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  • Lindsay Smith

    Agreed,   This would be a really useful feature as I have alot of contacts that have multiple email addresses  

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  • Madelyn Veenstra

    I also agree that this would be extremely useful. It would be great to see it implemented.

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  • Deb Burley

    This would be a really useful feature.  We have the scenario where we have employment agencies booking clients in for training.  We send the employment agency the enrolment confirmation email which they agree to forward onto their client.  However some clients advise they never get the information passed onto them.  It would be great if we could send this information to both the agency and the client at the time of the booking.  Our current workaround on this is having to send the enrolment email to the agency, then going back into the contact record, updating the email address to the client, then resending the email again.  We use the website field as a holding field to save the other email address.

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  • Becky Kern

    We would definitely benefit from this feature. You could always select 1 of the emails to be the default and then change it when necessary or to just have the second one on file. We often have a staff member looking after the progress and certificates of an Elected Member, so to include that staff member's email address on their contact would eliminate the need for us to be the 'middle man' and try to deal with both sides.

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  • Deirdre Ackerman

    Why not, while your at the development table, give us the option of using more than one of the client's email addresses in the same post. That way, work and private email addresses get the same email.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    I know this would be hard work, but this would definitely be of huge value. Has my vote.

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  • Neil Boyd

    This is a really important feature that needs to be prioritised. Students that are under 18 need to have all communications copied to their parent/guardian and school contact. 

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  • Georgia Kaye

    This feature would be very beneficial.

    We have two email addresses - the students personal email (where we would like legal documents such as CAN's, Fee Notices etc to go to) and their college email address where we would like communication from lecturers, feedback surverys etc to be sent to. Please consider having the option of choosing which email as a dropdown selection when sending emails please. 

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  • Abhishek Karki

    Have been following on this particular idea for months now. I hope there's some development to it. 

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  • Julian Tetsworth

    Hey Everyone,

    We’ve added a new setting when sending templates to allow them to also be copied to the alternate email address of any recipients that have one provided. The alternate email field has also been made more prominent on the contact view and update pages to make it easier to use.

    This update is currently in our Staging environment and scheduled to be released on the 23rd of February and is listed in our release notes.

    Hopefully, this should help achieve some of the scenarios listed in the comments.

    We’re also currently looking into adding similar functionality to other areas of the system where emails can be sent.

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