Send single SMS




  • Official comment
    Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    Thank you for your patience, today we have released this suggestion into aXcelerate.

    Please review our release notes for more details. 

    Thank you again for your suggestion and support.

    Kind regards,


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  • Michelle Barry

    Great idea. It's frustrating having to go through the workshop/class section to send an SMS to 1 student each time.

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  • Andrew Panes

    Yes, I have also suggested this as a feature request. It would appear lots of people would benefit from it....

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  • Jeremy Rota

    This has come up a number of times. They have added this feature to the class also in the interim.

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  • Jeremy Rota

    Any feedback on the likelihood of this feature?

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  • Jade Steffensen

    Hi All, I agree that this would be a very useful addition to aXcelerate, and based on the response by the community will likely be added to our development plan in the future, following one of our scheduled reviews of the ideas forum suggestions. As always, the more votes that come in, the more likely that this feature will be implemented.

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  • Mark Costello

    I have also asked for this feature previously, it would be very useful.

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  • Pip Austin

    Absolutely agree! I find it very frustrating having to go from a contact view, to a workshop in order to send a single contact an SMS.

    The SMS function would be utilised much more if this feature was introduced.

    Please update on the progress of this feature.

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  • Mark Costello

    I have requested a custom development quote for this as it looks like it will not be in the normal development plan anytime soon. I am happy to contribute to the cost of this feature as it is something we will definitely use... would anyone else like to contribute towards the cost? Please email me if you are interested and we can work something out -


    Here are the details:


    Task Description: Add "Quick Message" action to Contact Actions, with the ability to send an SMS or an Email. Note: there will be no formatting options for the message.

    Scope of Work:
    - A new link on the Contact Actions menu: "Quick Message"
    - A dialogue box for entering the message - it will display how many chars have been entered.
    - It will only show the SMS option if the Contact record has a mobile number and SMS global details are entered
    - A system note to be added to the contact record (with the message text) when sent.

    The fee for this custom development work is $1390 including GST.

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  • Sharon Ross

    I put through a query re this to the Help Centre and was refered to here.  aXcelerate development team please act on this ASAP.  It should be a common feature as the Email button is.

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  • Jeff Robson

    This would be a useful addition, also ability to send SMS to facilitator from Axcelerate from contact card

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  • Emma Jory

    I'm quite surprised to see this is a two year old request, without action.

    This would be a great feature, many students just require a one off message and the system should be able to facilitate this.

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  • Andrea Kelley

    Yes please implement this aXcelerate! It is very frustrating that there is no SMS function in workshops or in the contact!!

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    As there is a number of supporters for this Idea I have featured the post in the hope we can add the idea into aXcelerate for early this year.

    I have also just closed comments on a very similar issue:

    I will continue to monitor this post.

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    Thank you all for your comments and feedback.

    Our team have this planned on our roadmap for the first quarter of 2019. I will keep you updated here. We will also post this in our release notes once available.

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    Our team has advised we are expecting a release date of February 27 for this Idea.

    Kind regards,

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  • Jaxon Vukasinovic

    Excellent! This will be very very handy for us, thanks Rod

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