Online Certificate Verification
CompletedEmail just came through from ASQA reminding RTO's about ensuring security / authenticity of certificates. One of the suggestions was to include a QR code or barcode linking to a verification page on the RTO's website - I have seen this on other RTO's certificates and think it would be a great inclusion.
I assume aXcelerate's certificate numbering system is unique to each RTO - could you create a QR code field on the certificate template that links to aXcelerate to match the certificate number, student name, qualification, etc? Or possibly a public webpage where you can enter a certificate number to show the details listed on the certificate for manual verification?
Official comment
The /contact/enrolment/verifyCertificate/ API endpoint has now been developed to allow verification of a certificate issued from aXcelerate. Please see our API documentation ( for more information.
Comment actions -
Even if the QR Code is not available, even functionality to be able to Authenticate Certificates through the API where you are able to search the candidates surname and certificate number and TOID from the certificate and the system authenticates it as a valid Statement of Attainment, etc. This could be RTO specific, or even Axcelerate wide, so you can easily validate a certificate issued by any RTO using Axcelerate.
We just came across certificates that have been issued with a QR code and thought that was a great idea. The QR code linked to a site that verified the certificate. We would support the idea of having QR codes on certificates if this was possible. Otherwise is there a way we can put a link to verify on the certificate using the endpoint above? Thanks, Helen
Hi Axcelerate Support. The API to verify a certificate gives the folloiwng results
GET /api/contact/enrolment/verifyCertificate/contact/enrolment/verifyCertificate/2951342 HTTP/1.1apitoken: <redacted>wstoken: <redacted>Host: 200 OK < This shonw it connects OK>>>ax-clientid: 11058619ax-clientid: 11058619ax-section: 1|123Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 10:03:28 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)Set-Cookie: AX-CLIENTID=11058619;Path=/X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINContent-Length: 64Connection: keep-alive
{"RESULT":false,"MSG":"Certificate verification unsuccessful."}The API connects and works, however give a false certificate verification. Are we doing something wrong or is the system not working correctly ? -
Yes, we got this working, refer:
We had a WordPress plugin developed for this. Can be viewed at can give you details of the developer if you are interested,
Hi Kathleen, we had WordPress plugin developed because our site is a WordPress site. I know of some guys that didn't have a wordpress site and just hosted the plugin on a subdomain WordPress site. If you are interested email . I really don't know why aXcelerate haven't integrated this in their current WordPress plugin or developed one just for this??
Hi All,
We are intending on completing a certificate validation feature very soon. We're doing this as part of implementing QR Codes on certificates.
There will be a public page to verify certificates through QR Codes, but also by certificate number. We will have this released by the end of the year.
Rod. -
We built our own certificate verification plugin for Wordpress using the API however there is a major flaw with the API - it returns a 'valid' response when checking a certificate number that has been cancelled in aXcelerate. Reported this to aXcelerate a long time ago but to my understanding it has not been fixed.
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