Attachments and Links within Quality Goals & Workflows
We would love to see attachments and email links enabled throughout the quality system, allowing teams to communicate effectively, easily locate and clearly demonstrate goal objectives, strategies and results.
We are having issues with workflow/quality goal settings differing between goals, tasks and notes.
- Goals and Goal Notes wont allow attachments, nor will Goal tasks (upon creation).
- Attachments are enabled for Task Notes, however (as mentioned by others) upon sending an email notification, the recipient doesn't receive a link to the item and is required to search for the relevant task.
(NB: We currently get around this by copying the task URL/Title to the note content before emailing, however it's a step frequently forgotten and not ideal).
(eg flow: Goal created & resources attached, Tasks allocated & supporting documentation attached, Task commenced & handed over notes sent with progress attached, Task completed and final result attached for feedback/endorsement, all tasks complete, goal closed with completed process captured)
Thank you
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