Online Assessment - Open PDF without downloading
PlannedIn the main area of aXcelerate we can open a PDF on screen to view without needing to download but in the online assessments we can only download (not just open to screen).
This means a huge amount of downloads when marking submissions and attached files that then only need to be deleted from drives - this would save so much time to be able to view like we can in other areas of aXcelerate
Hi Melinda
Thank you for your feedback.
This is an improvement that we plan on adding to aXcelerate in the first quarter of 2025. Keep an eye on our release notes to know when the feature is due to ship.
Hope you have a happy new year!
Morning Tom
Good question - initially it will just be the ability to preview the PDF in-app as that represents a fairly separate implementation (from the tech perspective) relative to the annotation tools.
We feel users will gain some value from the PDF viewer even without the annotation tools, so we'll get that out ASAP while we continue working on annotation, which will hopefully come in Q2 :)
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