Add aXcelerate to Zapier




  • Andrew Russell

    This would be a great feature.

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  • Sue Mundell

    This would solve so many task and marketing related issues we are currently experiencing. Great feature request. 

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  • Pip Austin

    This would be so good!

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  • Matt Witbreuk

    Agreed, this would be great

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  • Steve Wiggers

    Is there any update on this being road mapped?

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  • Mark Costello

    This would have to be one of the most useful features that could be added to aXcelerate, it has been requested so many times and never seems to get a response. Why is that?

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your interest here. To be honest, we don't have any immediate plans for Zapier but we'll continue to keep an eye on the demand and feedback here.

    What in particular would you be wanting to use aXcelerate/Zapier for?


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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Mark,

    Yes, you're right. We haven't responded here despite the post being fairly old.

    We'll obviously listen to what the aXcelerate user community are requesting, but there's also plenty of great suggestions... if only we could build them all.

    Just like my question for Steve, what would you use aXcelerate/Zapier for in your business?


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  • Mark Costello

    Hi Rod,

    Thanks for the reply. This is only one post, there have been plenty of others.

    There are a lot of different systems that we could integrate with aXcelerate via Zapier - phone systems, email accounts, web forms, online chats, support tickets, accounting programs, bulk mail programs, survey programs, data/file storage, etc. aXcelerate can do some of these things but not as well as programs that are designed for the purpose.

    I have a growing list of about 30 different automations that I am getting custom built by my developers using aXcelerate's API which is a long and expensive process. If we had a zapier integration then I could build them all myself in an afternoon without the cost of developing and maintaining the custom integrations.

    aXcelerate is a good student management system but is very inefficient when integrating with other business systems and processes - we often end up designing our business processes around what aXcelerate is capable of doing rather than making the tools work the way that would be most beneficial for the business. I personally think that not having this feature is detrimental to aXcelerate's business. Knowing how much time and money I save with my current zapier integrations, this is an essential feature for me when considering new service providers these days.

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  • Sue Mundell

    Hi Rod, Mark and Steve

    We support your comments Mark. Lack of integration is holding us back and causing great frustration and repetition across our student support and marketing team. Zapier's integrations are extensive and we would support its use across many services, similar to those mentioned by you Mark.




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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for your reply. I did search the Ideas Forum for other Zapier posts, but only found this one. We will often group the votes and comments from multiple posts that are on a similar idea to see true need/support. I also note that you, Mark, suggested Zapier on our product roadmap survey. Thank you for completing the survey, we'll share the results over the coming weeks.

    Automations and workflows are definitely time savers, so I can see the value this would provide to yourself and other clients alike. I can't commit to anything, but I will continue to monitor the comments and feedback from other aXcelerate users here.


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  • Pip Austin

    Zapier has the ability to link with a lot of the systems that people are requesting integrations with such as LLN robot, email and calendar systems, file storage, Jotform, and mail services like mailchip, it also includes a zendesk integration!

    If we could create zaps, the potential for saving time and improving efficiency for all aXcelerate users in the future would be enormous. Imagine the flexibility for users!

    Also it looks like it is free to use their developer platform, so it is us who pay to use Zapier.

    Might save some developer time trying to create integrations within aXcelerate.

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi all,

    I know it's not the solution you're after, but I thought I should share it here for others (or even yourselves) who may be able to make use of it in the interim.

    We have a Workflow action called 'Post to URL' which will send data to a specified URL. You could utilise the Zapier Webhooks app and create a listener for the data. I've created a simple Zapier Zap that listens on the webhook and then takes action. In my case, I just had it send me the received data in an email to myself. Each Report Row was a new event posted to the Zapier URL.

    Below is a screenshot of my Workflow.

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  • Pip Austin

    Thanks Rod, that could be useful but we really need something that will feed in to update information and add client notes to aXcelerate. There is a lot of double and triple handling that users need to do in order to capture all enrolment and assessment information, communication and documents in the system that if there was the option to have some of this automated it would save all organisations a considerable amount of time and therefore money which is always a priority in VET with the ever changing and evolving requirements we need to meet. We appreciate it is a lot for aXcelerate to also try to keep up with too.


    If this zap you created will update aXcelerate, then let me know, but it looks to me as if it will feed information out based on a report.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Everyone

    Our team have reviewed this and unfortunately, at this stage, we do not have the capacity to build a Zapier integration. 

    Although we all agree it's a cool idea, and it will likely benefit many users, at this stage we just have to continue to monitor the feedback here.

    Thank you all for your input and discussion.

    Kind Regards

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  • Mark Costello

    How about we crowd fund an additional developer for the aXcelerate team to specifically work on this? There are a lot of clients that would benefit from it and it would reduce the number of development requests that aXcelerate receive from clients. I would happily share the cost as I am sure many others would too.

    We could each do our own individual developments using the API but that is not as cost effective and will not function as well as a proper integration. 

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Mark,

    Great idea, happy to hear if there's any other interest.


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  • Steve Wiggers

    I'm interested - could you quote this project Rod?

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Steve,

    I will raise with our product team on Wednesday and see if we can at least get a scoping task scheduled. If we know the scope, we'll know the projected cost and I can post back here.


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  • Chris Toselli

    I'm definitely interested in a Zapier integration as well.  It would be something that we would almost instantly use to link aXcelerate with our other applications.  

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  • Steve Wiggers

    Hi Rod, 

    Did you manage to scope this project so that we (community) can assess the development proposal collectively?



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  • Wesley INFO

    Have just seen this thread !

    We are now using MailChimp and Jot Forms and I was really hoping there were some integration points. 

    This is a must have for us!


    Regards, Jan,   Wesley Institute 

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  • Adam Dennison

    Hey friends,

    I have found a way to integrate Zapier with aXcelerate!

    You need to use Webhooks by Zapier to POST information into aXcelerate.

    I pulled information from Infusionsoft and sent to aXcelerate using a Form Payload Type. This has allowed me to create new contacts triggered by adding a tag when enrolments have been finalised in Infusionsoft.

    There are other actions you can use with Webhooks such as PUT and GET or create a custom request. I haven't used these as yet.

    I hope this helps others out.

    Adam Dennison

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  • Mark Costello

    Adam, we are also using Zapier to post information from several other platforms into aXcelerate (JotForm, Xero, LLN Robot, MailChimp, Outlook, Facebook, LinkedIn, Eventbrite, LiveChat and RingCentral). It is still a work in progress but currently automating about 1200 tasks per week which is really cool. 

    We found a developer through one of the other aXcelerate users who created a basic Zapier connection to aXcelerate, we continued building on that and have successfully been able to push a lot of data easily into aXcelerate. Happy to share the developers details if anyone else wants to use him.

    We have not worked out yet how to trigger events from aXcelerate and send data to other platforms yet, mainly due to lack to time to work on it. Rod's idea above looks like it will work for this but haven't tested it yet.

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  • Wendy Miller

    Hi Mark, I was wondering if anyone had any more luck in triggering events from aXcelerate to send to other platforms yet? Im really interested in the information for the developer who helped you create the Zapier connection. 

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  • Mark Costello

    Hi Wendy, we haven't had a chance to work on that project yet but our connection that pushes data into aXcelerate via Zapier is working well. Send an email with your details to and I will share the developers details with you.

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  • Sarah Freeman

    I'd love to restart this thread in support of having an Ax zapier integration. I would love to integrate with Eventbrite, which I realise can be done via Webhooks, but would be much easier if it was already integrated. My specific use case atm is creating a contact/student with registrant data from Eventbrite.

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