Ability to Mark Specific Documents in the Contact Portfolio as Confidential




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey Robbie,

    Just wanted to get a bit more information on this suggestion.

    Would this be the ability to set a whole portfolio type as "private" (needing a permission to view) or would you want this to be at an individual item level?


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  • Robbie Milne

    Hi Jack,

    Thanks for checking in so quickly!

    To answer your question, the Use Case could apply equally to both the Portfolio Type element or at an item level.

    Having said that, I think there's advantages to having the 'private' setting at the Portfolio Type, as then you would be placing all documents of a similar nature in the one place. It also allows better management of the risk if someone forgets to tick the 'private' box (assuming this is how it would work), by controlling it once, at the Portfolio Type level rather than on every document added.

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