Agreement - Attachment Input for Recipient
AnsweredAbility for recipients to add an attachment when signing an agreement. Attachment could upload to portfolio type if neccessary.
For example - We use the agreements to send ATF Employer Resources Assessments and Placement Agreements - we often need to collect a Supervisor Qualification, this would allow for the qualification to be collected alongside the agreement.
Official comment
Hey All,
Just a quick clarification on this suggestion.
When requesting a document with the agreement (for the User to attach), would you want this to be mandatory? I am also assuming from the information you have suggested that it should be able to be assigned to a specific signee (similar to how fields can be required from the learner/trainer/parent)?
JackComment actions -
Really like this suggestion as well, there are many scenarios where this would be of benefit to our RTO where documents need to be signed and returned with supportive documents.
Aster, intrigued to know how you utilize agreements for Employer Resource Assessments, do you create the template within aXcelerate to replicate the DESBT templates? Do you utilize agreements for reviews as well?
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