Confidential file notes




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hi Jo,

    Just wanted to reach out to get a bit more information on this suggestion.

    What sort of information are you storing in contact notes that you want to be able to make private? Just checking in since we are potentially looking to review the different ways people are using contact notes and potentially make it more robust.


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  • Bekky Sommer

    @Jack Christensen, we would support this feature and areas of use we would require this is with trainers and tracking notes / follow ups on trainer matrix evidence, we would not want anyone on the same employment level to be able to review only on management level as well as other internal staff accounts.

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  • Pip Austin

    For us the types of notes we would like to add to aXcelerate but keep private would be for complaints.

    For example, if a student makes a complaint regarding their trainer, we would not want the trainer to see the details of the complaint but we would want Managers to be able to see this information.

    Perhaps also if the notes could be marked as confidential so anyone looking knows there is a confidential file note and can refer to their Manager if the student needs to be interacted with.

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