Agreements - request receiver to upload a document field.




  • Chris Tandy

    This would be a really great tool for administration and sales support teams to gather missing evidence that students did not upload at time of enrolment, or where it is identified more criteria is needed specifically for government funding. 

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Ben

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Can you elaborate a bit more on the use-case you're trying to solve?

    We have some exciting things coming soon that we'll share more details about at aXcelerate day, but that's mainly going to focus on collecting information from learners.

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  • Ben Poppy

    Hi Mark, 

    We are utilising the agreements feature in many ways, and love it. 

    An example of this suggestion could be: if a student's Medicare card has expired, we would like to send them an agreement with a field to upload their new Medicare card. Trying to eliminate sensitive documents being sent via email and then uploaded into the portfolio. 


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