Improving Preferred Name Functionality for Better Inclusion, Diversity and Anti-discrimination




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hi All,

    As part of our most recent release, we have made some adjustments to how preferred name is displayed within the SMS and Apps.

    For more information check out our release notes.


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  • Pip Austin

    We also would like to see the preferred name shown more throughout the system, especially on attendance and in the learner portal where students see the name displayed.

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  • Bekky Sommer

    Support and agree! Feedback direct from our trainers have been that it would be helpful to have preferred names visible in these scenarios. Students can get upset when legal name is accidently used as opposed to preferred name. This is certainly a feature that would benefit the greater RTO community.

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  • Christina Deskar

    Agree.  We've had to add extra columns into our reporting to ensure the preferred name comes up.  For us, it's less about D&I (although that is important), it's more about accuracy of data (we don't want to be chasing the wrong person up to complete their training).

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  • Jack Christensen

    Hi All,

    This is an important suggestion and something we can hopefully start chipping away at. 

    If we were to look to change the naming in all these areas, is the [Given Name] "Preferred Name" [Last Name] standard appropriate in all contexts for consistency?


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  • Kennard Ruslim

    Thanks for the input, @everyone.

    @Jack: I believe the “First Name ‘Preferred Name’ Last Name” format is standard across Trainer Portals. However, for the student portal, it would be great to give users the option to display their name in different formats—such as “First + Last,” “Preferred + Last,” or “First ‘Preferred’ Last”—based on their preference. This way, students can choose how they want their name to appear.


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