Calendar View - long bar for workshops running across multiple days




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey Bekky,

    Thanks for this feedback, we have some work in this area to hopefully alleviate this issue coming soon. Ill update this thread once that change has been released.


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  • Samantha Hayes

    Definitely agree and would like to see the multiple day workshops be reverted to the long bar in the calendar! 

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  • Tom Clark

    Hi Jack,

    I see from item AX-21295 that a change has been implemented.

    Just for some feedback, while this returns to the old field for workshops on consecutive days, it appears that ones on non-consecutive days have the bar going across days the workshop is not on. For example, if we are delivering a unit as part of a qual on two consecutive Mondays only, the new fix has the bar going across Tuesday-Sunday as well.

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