Single names and the USI | Manditory fields on enrolment/verification




  • Official comment
    Brenden Carr

    Good morning Caitlin thanks for reaching out and for asking the question. The main aXcelerate application currently supports learners with a single name, along with the USI integration. We will review how this works with the online enrollment forms and ensure that this aligns with the rest of the system. We will keep this post open for now and we will post further updates as they become available.

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  • Caitlin Houlihan

    Hi Brenden,

    Thank you for the update. I can confirm single named learners are not able to complete our enrolment form in aX.

    In both personal details and USI, "Family Name" is manditory - maybe I was advised incorreclty and it can be changed to optional?


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  • Millie Robinson

    Hi Caitlin,

    Good news, the option for single name has now been implemented with the latest version of the aXcelerate plugin. Please ensure you update your plugin to version 3.15.0 to see this change:

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