Validate on Create is a setting within the aXcelerate Online Enrolments WordPress Plugin that in certain situations can help reduce duplicate applicant entries when applying through your website's enrolment forms.
How Validate on Create works
Validate on Create works by detecting applicants who enter their email address within the first initial "Login" step of a form and already have an existing Contact record with the same email in your instance of aXcelerate.
Applicants will see the prompt above on the enrolment form.
These applicants will then receive an email that will contain a link to return and continue to enter their details in the enrolment form.
Tip: Validate on Create has two functions. Not only does it stop duplicate Contact records from being created, but it also returns applicant information in the form on return, so applicants won't need to fill out the fields that are already in your aXcelerate account against their existing Contact record.
Note: Validate on Create works by detecting duplicate email address entries only. Other fields, such as phone number or given name, will not result in a pre-existing Contact record being detected.
Situations where Validate on Create apply
In most cases, your enrolment forms should have Validate on Create enabled by default, unless you have specified to not have this feature.
Here are situations where Validate on Create can apply:
- Single Individuals Enrolment Forms, ie. Any enrolment form where the form allows for a single applicant only to enrol.
- Post Enrolment Forms.
- The Booker/Payer of a Group Enrolment Form (i.e. the Person Booking multiple applicants in a form, but not the applicants themselves).
Situations where Validate Create does not apply
Not all situations will allow this feature to work. In some cases, you may want to opt out of having this feature completely and choose to merge the duplicates manually inside aXcelerate.
Here are situations where Validate on Create does not apply:
- Applicants enrolled in a Group Enrolment Form.
- Enquiry Forms.
- Cases where multiple applicants are enrolled using a commonly used email, i.e. A company or employer email address such as
Warning: In the situation where applicants are enrolled using a shared email address, we recommend turning Validate on Create off to avoid Contact overwrites.
Checking if Validate on Create is switched on
You can check if a specific enrolment form has Validate on Create by entering an email address that already exists within your aXcelerate instance while using the form. The prompt regarding an existing record shown at the beginning of this article will appear on-screen if Validate on Create is turned on. If no prompt appears the enrolment form simply creates a new Contact record, you can assume Validate on Create is switched off.
If you have access to login to your website, you can also check within the form settings.
Login to your WordPress website
aXcelerate Integration Plugin
- Click Enroller
- Edit the Form (Using the pencil icon)
- Settings
- Validate on Create (Will display as Yes or No).
Note: Validate on Create is form specific, ie. it can be on for one form but not another.
Switching Validate on Create on or off
If you would like to turn this feature on or off, you will need access to your WordPress website.
Login to your WordPress website
aXcelerate Integration Plugin
- Click Enroller
- Edit the Form (Using the pencil icon)
- Settings
- Validate on Create: Yes/No
- Save Config
- Save Changes (found in the top right)
Validate on Create best practices
This feature can be a useful tool, but it may not work with all enrolment scenarios. As Validate on Create works on a unique email entry, it's important to ensure each applicant is using a unique email address. For the case of shared family email addresses, you may need to turn Validate on Create off.
- If you anticipate families or employers using the same email address, you may need to turn off Validate on Create or manually enrol these applicants.
- You can add blurbs, statements or disclaimers to assist with ensuring applicants enter details correctly and uniquely in parts of the enrolment form.
- Validate on Create can assist with most situations, but it's a good practice to make it part of your enrolment process to merge duplicates regularly.
- For returning applicants, ensure they know to use the same email address on returning to an enrolment form.
- You may want to consider adding wording or text to the Validate on Create/Email Validation template to ensure the link to resume a form is for the person who is already in aXcelerate.