aXcelerate's Google Calendar integration allows you to link Workshops and Events in the aXcelerate calendar to your Google Calendar. This allows you to manage Workshop sessions and Events within aXcelerate and have it be synced with your Google Calendar to help keep your schedule all in one place. For more information on how to use Google Calendar click here.
Tip: You will need to have a Google Account that you can link to your aXcelerate user account. Unlike other integrations in aXcelerate, Google accounts are linked to each individual user and not shared across the entire account.
Enable Google Calendar
The Google Calendar Integration can be enabled on the Web & Other Integrations tab of your system settings. Once this is turned on, all Admin, Trainer & Partner users in your account will be able to link their Google profile to their user account. After a user links their Google Account, aXcelerate Workshops and Events can be linked to Google to create corresponding Events within Google Calendar that are synced between the two systems.
Connect your Google Account
To begin creating Events and Workshops that are linked with Google Calendar, connect a Google Account to your aXcelerate user account. The Google Account that is linked to your user can be different from the one used for your Global Account.
When linking an Event or Workshop to Google Calendar for the first time, you will need to select your relevant Google Account and sign in.
- Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner
- Click View User Account
- Click Connect to Google
- Select your Google Account and sign in
- Approve the permissions for the aXcelerate system to view and edit your calendar
- Set the Default Calendar within Google you would like to be used when linking Workshops & Events
- After you have linked your account, you will have the option to add aXcelerate Events and Workshops to your Google calendar.
Tip: To change the Google Account that is linked to your aXcelerate user account, visit either your user record or the Calendar and Workshop Update page, then select Change Account. When a new Google Account is added, any Events and Workshops that were linked to your previous account will remain linked to that account.
Note: If something causes your login to expire - such as by changing your account password - a warning icon will display next to any Events that are linked to your aXcelerate user account. Any changes made to these Events will not be synced between Google and aXcelerate. Other users can unlink these Events from your account and link a new account. You can click the refresh icon to re-authenticate your Google Account login.
Link Events to Google Calendar
When creating or updating Events in the calendar, you can link them to your Google Account. This will create a Google Calendar Event with the same details as the owner and any guests as participants of the Event in Google. A new Google event will always be created as Existing Google Events cannot be linked to aXcelerate Events and Workshops
- Connect your Google Account
- Go to the aXcelerate Calendar using the icon in the top-right of the screen
- Create a new Event by double-clicking on an empty space in the calendar
- Enter the details of the Event and add the appropriate guests
- Tick the Add to Google Calendar checkbox
- Select the Calendar within Google you would like to specifically add it to (this will be your personal calendar by default)
- Click Add New Event
- You should now see the Event in both the aXcelerate and Google calendars
Tip: Any guests of the Event will be added to the Google Calendar Event using the email address of the contact. The owner of the Google account linked to the Event will also be added to the Google Event.
Note: If guests are added or removed from an aXcelerate Event, they will also be added/removed from the Google Event. Guests added or removed from the Google Calendar Event will not adjust the aXcelerate Event.
Link Workshops to Google Calendar
You can link Workshops to a Google Account to create matching events in Google Calendar. This can be done when Adding or Updating a Workshop or when creating a workshop via the Calendar.
Google Calendar events will either match the start and end date of a single day workshop, or have an event for each complex date session for multi-day workshops. The Trainer, Workshop Owner and Owner of the Google Account will be added as guests to the event. Learners will not be added to the event.
- Connect your Google Account
- View an existing workshop or add a new one
- Tick the Add to Google Calendar checkbox above the workshop dates
- Select the Calendar within Google you would like to specifically add it to (this will be your personal calendar by default)
- Click Submit
Tip: Workshops can be created via the Calendar by double-clicking an empty area in the calendar and selecting the Workshop tab. To update an existing Workshop and configure the Google Calendar preferences from the calendar, select the Workshop name.
Unlink an Event or Workshop from Google Calendar
You can remove the link to an Event in Google by clicking on the Unlink icon. This will allow you to re-link the Event to a different Google Account.
- View an Event or Workshop that has been linked to Google Calendar
- Click the Unlink Icon next to the linked account name
- Click Unlink Event
- Link the Event to a new account if applicable
Tip: When unlinking an Event or Workshop from Google, you will be able to select whether the corresponding Google Event is cancelled or remains active. If the Google Event remains active, changes made to the event will not be synced between aXcelerate and Google.
Note: If a new Google Account is linked to an Event after it has been unlinked, a new Event will be created in Google Calendar.
Google Calendar FAQs
How long does my Google account stay linked?
Once you have authenticated your Google Account it will be linked indefinitely unless something causes the authentication to be revoked such as by changing your account password. You can read more about when your authentication may be revoked here.
Can a single Google Account be linked to multiple user accounts?
A Google Account is linked to each user. A single Google account can be linked to multiple aXcelerate user accounts, but each user must login and authenticate the Google Account.
Do I need to use Google for my regular aXcelerate sign-in to use this feature?
You do not need to use Google to sign in to your Global Account to use this feature. The Google Account linked to your user can also be different to the one used for your Global Account.
Can I link aXcelerate Events to existing Google Events?
You cannot link aXcelerate events to existing Google Events. A new Google event will always be created when an aXcelerate Workshop or Event is linked to a Google Account.