Online Enrolment Info Capture is used to record the information about a student and their booking at the time of enrolment. When this feature is set up, after an enrolment takes place a Portfolio Item will be created against the student's contact record with a PDF file attached containing the booking information.
Tip: When this feature is used for Class enrolments, the Portfolio Item will be linked to the enrolment as an Enrolment Document.
Note: To use this feature you will need to first have Online Enrolments configured on your website using our WordPress Plugin. You can refer to our Online Enrolments Demo site or contact our Customer Success team for more information.
Create Enrolment Info Capture Templates
The template used to capture Online Enrolment Information should contain all relevant contact and enrolment fields that you would like to record at the time of enrolment. You will need to have one template that contains fields for workshop enrolments and another that is used for class enrolments. You can also create another template that is specifically used for a particular enrolment configuration if you wish to.
- Click Add New Template
- Add in any Contact and Enrolment fields that you would like to capture
- Click Save Changes
- Copy the ID of the template (the number at the end of the page URL)
Tip: Add in [Enrolment Signature] and [Enrolment Terms] to your templates to capture the booking contact's signature and agreement to the terms. The signature and terms need to be present in the Billing/Enrolment Step (the final step) of the Enrolment Form for this information to be captured. The signature is enabled in the billing step by enabling the Request Signature setting in the enrolment configuration. The terms are set by editing the Billing/Enrolment step and entering content into the Step Terms field. Our Customer Success team has an example template that can be provided to you upon request.
Note: Parent/Guardian Signature can also be optionally captured. To do this, enable 'Request Parent Signature' as well as 'Request Signature' in the configuration settings of your Enrolment Form in the aXcelerate WordPress Plugin.
Enable Online Enrolment Info Capture
This feature is enabled from the aXcelerate WordPress plugin once it has been installed and configured on your website. You will need to have created a Portfolio Type and a workshop and class Template.
- Log in to your WordPress Website
- Go to the aXcelerate Integration Plugin settings
- Click on the Enrolment Info Capture tab
- Enable the Feature
- Paste the ID of your Workshop and Class Info Capture Template (the number at the end of the page URL when viewing/editing the template)
- Paste the ID a Portfolio Item (the number at the end of the page URL when viewing/editing a Portfolio Item)
- Click Save Changes
Tip: You are also able to set a custom template for a particular configuration by editing the settings of an enrolment configuration and assigning the ID of the desired template to the Info Capture Template field.
Note: If you do not have access to your website, please speak to your website administrator.
Warning: You will need to ensure that you have provided the correct template IDs and Portfolio Item ID before enabling this setting.