The aXcelerate HubSpot integration allows you to link HubSpot data to records in aXcelerate. You can import and link your HubSpot contacts, companies and deals to aXcelerate contacts, organisations and user tasks. Contacts support a two-way sync between aXcelerate and HubSpot while organisations and user tasks will be updated in aXcelerate when changes are made in HubSpot. You can also view a record’s associated engagements from directly within the aXcelerate system.
- Link your HubSpot and aXcelerate Contact records for a two-way sync
- Create Hubspot Companies and Opportunities from aXcelerate as a one-time push
- Keep your Hubspot Companies and Opportunities updated via a one-way Hubspot to aXcelerate push
Tip: You will need to ensure that you have a HubSpot account to connect to aXcelerate for this integration to function.
Enable the HubSpot Integration
To enable the aXcelerate HubSpot integration, the aXcelerate system must be authorised in your HubSpot Portal. After the integration has been authorised, you will be able to link your HubSpot users to existing aXcelerate users.
- Navigate to the HubSpot section
- Click Set Up Access
- You will be redirected to HubSpot and may need to log in
- Select Authorise next to your HubSpot Portal
- Link your HubSpot users to aXcelerate users (these will be matched on email address by default)
Link HubSpot Users
Once the HubSpot integration has been enabled, you will be able to link your HubSpot users to users in aXcelerate. Users that have matching emails between the systems will automatically be matched.
- Ensure that you are on the Users tab
- Select the appropriate aXcelerate User for each HubSpot profile
- Click Submit
Tip: The Web Service user will be used to perform actions in the system by default when no users have been linked.
Note: The main use of linking aXcelerate Users to HubSpot users is to match HubSpot deals to marketing opportunities assigned to the aXcelerate user.
Configure Sync Settings
In order to authorise the HubSpot integration to send and receive updates to linked records, relevant sync settings must be enabled. All "Push" settings relate to data being automatically pushed from aXcelerate to HubSpot upon certain actions occurring, while the remaining settings refer to HubSpot sending updates to aXcelerate via webhooks.
- Navigate to the Sync Settings tab
- Ensure that all of the relevant settings have been checked to enable data-synchronisation between both systems
- Click Submit
Contacts are an automatic two-way Sync.
Organisations and Opportunities are a one-way Hubspot to aXcelerate Push.
Organisations and Opportunities can be created as a once-off aXcelerate to Hubspot Push.
Warning: Creation events that link new HubSpot records with existing aXcelerate records will only work if there is only one contact in aXcelerate with a matching email address.
Customise HubSpot Fields
In order to synchronise only fields relevant to your needs, this can be configured for each supported entity (contacts, organisations, user tasks). Contacts allow for full customisation of fields synched between aXcelerate and HubSpot including custom fields, whereas organisations and user tasks allow for basic configuration of pre-defined fields.
- Navigate to the config page for the relevant entity under the Fields menu
- Add field mappings as required with the Add Field Mapping option (contacts only)
- Deactivate any fields you would like to not be affected by the integration
- Change the Field Type of each to match the setup of your HubSpot account
- Click Submit
Note: Deactivated fields will not be affected by imports, exports or updates to data made through Webhooks. Contact fields may also be completely deleted (the form must be submitted for the field to be completely deleted).
Tip: After adding a new field mapping where there is existing data in either system for this field, you may want to immediately synchronise the data in this field using the Sync Tool.
Warning: You must ensure that the Field Types in your HubSpot account match the fields in aXcelerate. If there are differences between the field types in each systems it may cause your data to not be synced correctly.
Configure HubSpot Deals
Deals created in HubSpot can be linked to Opportunities in aXcelerate. In the HubSpot Configuration area you are able to link your HubSpot Deal stage labels to Opportunity statuses in aXcelerate. For example, a Deal stage label of 'Confirmed Sold' could be linked to an Opportunity status of 'Won'.
- Click on the Deals tab
- Select the appropriate Opportunity Status for each HubSpot Deal Label
- Click Submit
Note: Only one pipeline can be mapped to aXcelerate. To map a different pipeline, use the "Reorder Pipelines" function in HubSpot to put the required pipeline at the top of the list.
View HubSpot Event Logs
To assist with investigating and resolving any issues that may arise with data synchronisation between aXcelerate and HubSpot, both a log of incoming and outgoing communications are provided. Communication from HubSpot to aXcelerate (also known a "Webhooks") are logged in the Incoming logs, and allow users to re-run any actions that failed to complete successfully in aXcelerate. Communication from aXcelerate to HubSpot can be viewed in the Outgoing logs, which is useful for debugging field configuration issues.
- Click on the relevant log under the Logs menu
- Search for the relevant log entry and hover over the information icons to reveal more information about the request
Tip: If the action has failed in the Incoming log, the status will be shown in the result column and allow you to delete or reset the action. Once a failed action has been reset, you will be able to attempt to run it again.
Note: If a creation action has failed and then been deleted, the record will still exist in HubSpot and be able to be manually imported.
Import HubSpot Records
The HubSpot integration allows you to import contacts, organisations (companies) and opportunity tasks (deals) from your HubSpot account into the aXcelerate system. HubSpot contacts are matched to aXcelerate contacts by email address, organisations/companies are matched by the organisation name, and opportunity tasks/deals are matched by the task name. If no matching record is found in aXcelerate, a new record will be created and linked to the HubSpot record.
- Navigate to relevant entity under the Import tab
- Click Start
- Wait for the current page to finish importing and then click Next 50
- Repeat as required
Tip: Enable Auto-Import to import all records in your HubSpot account into aXcelerate in groups of 50. You can also select and deselect specific records to include or exclude them from the import.
Note: If you experience an issue when importing, check that the mapped field data types in aXcelerate match the configuration in HubSpot. If these fields do not match between the systems, you will encounter issues when importing.
Synchronise Fields with HubSpot
When mapping new fields between HubSpot and aXcelerate, it may be necessary to push existing data in those fields from one system to another to ensure records are up-to-date in both systems. For this, we provide a field synchronisation tool which lets you choose specific fields to either push to or pull from HubSpot. We recommend using this tool immediately after mapping a field where data already exists in one of the systems.
- Navigate to relevant entity under the Sync Fields tab (currently only contacts are supported)
- Choose the sync mode (whether to push to, or pull from HubSpot), select which fields to sync and click Start
- Wait for the current page to finish synchronising and then click Next
- Repeat as required
Tip: Enable Auto Import to automatically progress to the next set of records and start importing them immediately once all records on the current page have been synchronished successfully.
Link & Export Contact Records to HubSpot
When the HubSpot integration has been enabled, there will be an additional section on Contact profiles showing their HubSpot information if it has been linked to a record in HubSpot. If the Contact has not been linked to a HubSpot record you will be able to search for and link a matching HubSpot record.
- View a Contact Profile
- Expand the HubSpot Profile section
- Click Search to see if there is a matching email address in HubSpot
- If there is a match, select Link and the aXcelerate contact record will be linked to the HubSpot record
- If there is no match, click Export to create a HubSpot Contact record and link it to the aXcelerate contact
Tip: If there are no matching Contacts in HubSpot, you can click Export to create a new HubSpot Contact with the information from the aXcelerate Contact.
Link & Export Organisation Records to HubSpot
When the HubSpot integration has been enabled, there will be an additional section when viewing Organisation profiles that will show HubSpot information if it has been linked to a Company in HubSpot. If the Organisation has not been linked to a HubSpot Company you will be able to search for and link a matching HubSpot record.
- View an Organisation profile
- Expand the HubSpot Profile section and run a search on the company’s domain name to see if there is a matching record in HubSpot
- If there is a match, select Link and the aXcelerate organisation record will be linked to the HubSpot record
- If there is no match, you can select Export to create the HubSpot record and link it to the aXcelerate organisation
Tip: If there are no matching Companies in HubSpot, you can click Export to create a new HubSpot Company with the information from the aXcelerate Organisation.
Link & Export Opportunities to HubSpot
When the HubSpot integration has been enabled, there will be an additional section on marketing user tasks showing HubSpot information if it has been linked to a HubSpot Deal. If the opportunity has not been linked to a HubSpot record you will be able to search for and link a matching HubSpot record.
- View a marketing Opportunity
- Click the View tab of the user task
- Expand the HubSpot Details section
- If there is a match, select Link and the aXcelerate opportunity will be linked to the HubSpot Deal
- If there is no match, click Export to create a HubSpot Deal and link it to the aXcelerate Opportunity
Tip: The opportunity will only be able to be linked to an existing Deal if the marketing user has been linked to a contact with a Deal in HubSpot.
Note: The opportunity status must be mapped to a HubSpot Deal Label and the marketing Contact needs to be linked to HubSpot for the Deal to be exported.
Add HubSpot Deals from a Contact Record
When the HubSpot integration has been enabled you will be able to add HubSpot Deals directly from aXcelerate Contact records that have been linked to HubSpot.
- View a Contact Profile that has been linked to a HubSpot Contact
- Expand the HubSpot Profile section
- Select Add Task next to a deal to add a Marketing Opportunity and link it to the corresponding HubSpot record
Note: The Contact needs to have been assigned a marketing opportunity, and the marketing contact set against the opportunity needs to be linked to HubSpot.
Add HubSpot Deals from an Organisation Record
When the HubSpot integration has been enabled you will be able to add HubSpot Deals directly from aXcelerate Organisation profiles that have been linked to HubSpot.
- View an Organisation Profile that has been linked to a HubSpot Company
- Expand the HubSpot Profile section
- Select Add Task next to a deal to add a Marketing Opportunity and link it to the corresponding HubSpot record
- If prompted, set the associated key contact from the Organisation
Note: The Organisation needs to have been assigned a marketing opportunity, and the marketing contact set against the opportunity needs to be linked to HubSpot.
View Contact Engagements
Enagements are activities that are recorded in HubSpot. Engagements related to a linked HubSpot contact are able to be viewed from the HubSpot details section.
- Search for a linked Contact and select their record
- Expand the HubSpot Profile section
- Select View Engagements
Note: If a contact has been linked to an organisation or deal in HubSpot, engagements for the organisation or deal will also appear.
View Organisation Engagements
Enagements are activities that are recorded in HubSpot. Engagements related to an Organisation linked to HubSpot are able to be viewed from the HubSpot details section.
- Search for a linked Organisation and select their record
- Expand the HubSpot Profile section
- Select View Engagements