MYOB is an external Finance Package that aXcelerate integrates with and allows you to export financial data to your MYOB account.
Users will need the following permissions to utilise this integration:
This two way integration with MYOB is achieved with the use or their APIs specifically for MYOB AccountRight, however, additional products offered by MYOB utilise these exact same APIs.
These include, Business and Exo. Whilst these two are also compatible with our integration and their platform, these products may vary in options that are not shared with MYOB AccountRight that could mean the action is either inaccessible or is recognised with different terminology.
Note: This integration is exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo accounts and is included at no additional cost. If you would like to enable the MYOB integration, This can be selected in Settings -> System Settings -> Web & Other Integrations -> Select Finance Export Integration.
Create a MYOB Role for aXcelerate
Before integrating aXcelerate with MYOB you will need to create a Role for aXcelerate. These steps are completed within MYOB.
- Click Setup and choose User Access from the dropdown menu
- Click the Manage Roles tab
- Right-click Administrator and choose Duplicate Role
- Click on Copy of Administrator and change the text to aXcelerate
- Uncheck all checkboxes to remove all permissions
- Click Cards
- Select the Customer Cards checkbox and enable Read & Write
- Click Sales
- Select the Receive Payment checkbox and enable Read & Write
- Select the Sales checkbox and enable Read & Write
- Click Save
Create a MYOB User for aXcelerate
After you have created a Role for aXcelerate in MYOB you will need to create an aXcelerate User. These steps are completed within MYOB.
- Click Setup and choose User Access from the dropdown menu
- Click the Manage Users tab
- Uncheck This user will sign on with a my.MYOB account (Recommended)
- Enter axcelerate as the username
- (If required) Enter an email address that is unique and not used by any other MYOB User
- Choose a password
- Confirm your password
- Check the aXcelerate role
- Click Save
- Click Close
Note: The details of this MYOB User will be used when aXcelerate asks for a Company File login during the section below (Step 3 and 4).
Setup the MYOB/aXcelerate integration
Once your MYOB account has been configured and the aXcelerate user and role has been created, the integration will need to be enabled within aXcelerate.
- Navigate back to aXcelerate > Finance > MYOB Export, and sign in with your MYOB credentials (eg Accountant credentials)
- Enter axcelerate as the username (Company File Username)
- Enter the password for the MYOB User created previously (Company File Password)
- Click Retrieve MYOB Tax Codes
- Choose the Bank Account to which Payments and Refunds will be exported
- Choose the Default Tax Codes
- Choose your Export Settings (MYOB Categories/Homogeneous Domains) if applicable
- Click Save Settings
Note: You may be redirected to the MYOB On-Line Portal in which case you need to sign in with your MYOB credentials. You will need to do this whenever MYOB expires your session. This may also be necessary if you receive an access denied message.
Import Finance Codes
Import Finance Codes enable you to match the Finance Codes in your MYOB finance system with aXcelerate to support invoicing and payments related to your training services.
- Click the Finance Codes tab
- Select the Finance Codes you want to import
- Click Import selected Finance Codes
Note: Finance codes are automatically set to be unique, ensuring that the same finance code cannot be added more than once for reporting purposes. If this is not the case for your Finance Setup as you may utilise multiple cost centre codes, please contact aXcelerate. In this situation, it will also be important to rely on reporting from your external finance package.
Warning: When exporting to an external Finance System the Finance Codes must match.
Link Existing Contacts in MYOB
Existing contacts in aXcelerate and MYOB can be linked so that duplicate contacts are not created in MYOB.
- Click the MYOB Contacts tab in aXcelerate
- Search for the contact in MYOB
- Copy the contact Card ID in MYOB
- Paste the Card ID for the corresponding Contact in aXcelerate under Map to Card
- Click Link Selected Contacts & Organisations
Note: You will need to log in to both aXcelerate and MYOB to complete this task.
Suggestion: If you don't use Card ID's you could use the aXcelerate's Contact ID as the Card ID in MYOB
Export Finance data to MYOB
Financial data in aXcelerate can be exported to MYOB. Information that can be exported includes Contacts, Invoices, Payments, Credit Notes, Refunds and Credit Allocations. Tabs should be exported from left to right.
- Click the tab for the information you want to export
- Select dates in the Date Filter
- Select the type of information you want to export
- Click Search
- Click the Checkboxes next to the record/transaction you wish to export
- Click Export Selected
Tip: You will see the following message if your export has been successful: Successfully exported Invoice(s) to MYOB/Xero.
Note: New contacts imported into MYOB will be assigned a card with the prefix AX- followed by their aXcelerate ID number.
MYOB Integration Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Integrating MYOB Account Right Cloud Based with aXcelerate
- Exporting data
- Viewing data in MYOB