Tip: The Enrolment Resumption Link will remain valid for 5 days after it is sent.
Note: This function is only compatible with the aXcelerate WordPress plugin once it has been installed and configured.
Enable Enrolment Resumption
- Login to WordPress
- Open the aXcelerate Integration plugin
- Click on the Enrolment Resumption tab
- Enable Enrolment Resumption
- Set a Template ID
- Click Save Changes
Tip: The template ID will determine which template will be sent during Enrolment Resumption. The ID of the template can be found at the end of the URL when updating a template in aXcelerate. The template will typically be named 'Enrolment Resumption'. Try searching for this template in your account if you would like to change the wording of the template currently being used.
Creating an Enrolment Resumption template
When Enrolment Resumption is triggered a template will be sent to the prospective student containing a message and a link to continue their enrolment. The template will need to contain the [Online Enrolment Link] text field to generate a link for the student to resume enrolment.
- Click Add New Template
- Set a Template Name
- Select a template Category
- Set a message in the body of the email
- Add the text field [Online Enrolment Link] into the template
- Click Save Changes
Tip: We recommend using wording similar to: 'Please click the following link to resume your enrolment: [Online Enrolment Link].'
Validate on Create
Validate on Create is a function which detects duplicate emails in the system when new contacts are created in the Login Step during the Online Enrolment process. If an email is entered that already exists in the system, a message will appear telling the user that a contact with that email address already exists and an email has been sent to their address to verify their identity and allow them to continue their enrolment
- Login to WordPress
- Open the aXcelerate Integration plugin
- Update an Enrolment Form configuration
- Click on the Settings tab
- Search for Validate On Create
- Enable the setting
- Click Save Config
- Click Save Changes
Tip: Duplicate contacts are identified by email address. When a duplicate email address is detected, the first contact in the system that was created with this email will be returned in the enrolment form.
Warning: This function is explicitly intended for use with emails as a unique identifier in your account. If there are contacts in your account that are actively using the same email address we strongly recommend enforcing unique emails or leaving this setting disabled.