VET Student Loans (VSL) allows you to manage your students who are funded under the VSL Commonwealth Funding. The feature allows you to specify who is eligible for funding and the amount deferred for each Unit of Study. Most importantly, this feature allows you to report directly to TCSI.
Note: VSL is exclusively available for aXcelerate Turbo users. If you would like to learn more about Turbo, please contact our Customer Success team.
Enter VSL Settings
- Click Settings
- Enter your Training Organisation VET Provider Code
- Enter your Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) API Credentials
- Check Verify Connection
- Click Submit
Tip: Search for your VET Provider Code by entering your RTO name. If you are a relatively new VSL provider and do not see your provider name, please contact support.
Note: Although they are on the same page, configure and activate your TCSI credentials separately. See Enable the TCSI Integration for more information.
Warning: The VET Provider Code is not your RTO Number.
Configure Qualifications
- Import a Qualification
- Enter the Qualification EFTSL value
- Enter the Qualification Cost
- Enter the VSL Loan Cap
- Enter the Qualification Field of Education
- Check the VET Student Loans Flag
- Click Submit
Tip: If you deliver the Qualification to different funding streams (e.g. state funding, VSL and Fee For Service) we recommend creating a Qualification Stream for the VSL Qualification.
Note: VSL Loan Cap is only required if there is a maximum amount that can be deferred for the total Qualification Cost.
Add Units of Study to the Qualification
- Update the Qualification
- Add the Units of Study to the Qualification
- Enter the Units of Study EFTSL value
- Enter the Units of Study Field of Education
Tip: aXcelerate recommends changing the terminology Module to Units of Study in Core Settings.
Note: The Qualification Cost is proportionally distributed to each Unit of Study based on the EFTSL value. For example, if you have 4 Units of Study and each one has a 0.25 EFTSL value, the total Qualification Fee is divided by 4 and assigned equally against each Unit of Study.
Warning: A Unit can only belong to one Unit of Study.
Check VSL Eligibility
This ensures that the Qualification has been configured correctly for VSL eligibility.
- Update the Qualification
- A green tick or red cross next to the VET Student Loans Flag will indicate eligibility
Warning: If the Qualification displays as not eligible, click on the information icon to identify why.
Create a VSL Class
- Create a Class following this guide
- Ensure the Course Fee is populated
Tip: Specify the Attendance Mode if it will be the same for all Class Enrolments.
Add a Census Dates to a Unit of Study
- Edit the VSLClass
- Scroll to the first Units of Study
- Click the update icon
- Enter the Start Date for the Unit of Study
- Enter the End Date for the Unit of Study
- Click the Calculate button to automatically enter the Census Date; or
- Manually enter the Census Date
- Select if the Recognition of Prior Learning is applicable for the Unit of Study
- Click Done
Tip: Repeat the above process for a Unit of Study when you have rolling enrolments.
Note: The automatic census date is 20% of the duration between the Start Date and End Date (for example if the Start Date is the 1st December and the End Date is the 20th December, the automatic census date will be the 4th December).
Warning: All Units of Study within a class need to have a Census Date to apply to an enrolment.
Contact Considerations
When VSL is added to your account, additional contact fields will display, that if ignored can result in not being able to defer the tuition fee.
- Create a Contact
- Enter the mandatory VSL Contact Information
- Click Submit
Enrol a Student
- Enrol a Student
- Check the VET Student Loans eligibility
- Select each Unit of Study census date
- Enter the Study Reason
- Enter the Admission Basis
- Enter Prior Post-secondary Study
- Select Attendance Mode when a class default has not been set
- Select Full Time option
- Enter AVETMISS Enrolment Administration Details
- Select Full Time option
Tip: Proceeding with an enrolment that is not eligible for VSL is not recommended as you will not be able to defer student contribution fees.
Note: Clicking Sync Unit Dates for a Unit of Study will ensure all Units start and end dates will Sync with the Units of Study dates.
Warning: The Unit of Study Census date will always default to the earliest census date available when you have more than one census date option available per Unit of Study (recommended for rolling enrolments).
Deferring Student Contributions
Once a student is successfully enrolled and eligible for VSL, their contributions can then be deferred to VSL for each Unit of Study. This will be the final step to enrol a student, or you can return to the VSL Student Loan Unit of Study after completing the enrolment. This is useful if the enrolment team are not responsible for managing finances.
Class Matrix
Select a Student
Finance Details
- Click the VET Student Loans update icon
- Check the Qualification Totals are correct
- Scroll to the first Unit of Study
- Check the student has been enrolled in the correct Unit of Study and has the expected Start Date and Census Date
- Select the Student Status
- Check the Unit of Study Cost is correct
- Check the Unit of Study Student Contribution is correct
- Check the Unit of Study Deferred Amount is correct
- Repeat steps 3 - 8 for all Units of Study
- Click Submit
Tip: If the Qualification does not have a cost, the Units of Study cost will need to be manually updated.
Note: Employer and Other Contributions can only be applied via a Finance Model in the Qualification Fees page and these Contributions cannot be deferred.
Warning: You will not be able to select any VET Loan assisted students status' when errors exist or the student is not eligible for VSL.
Generating the Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) and Invoice Notice Templates
Class Matrix
Select a Student
- Click Template
- Select the Template
- Click Submit
- Click Email
- Click Send
Tip: You can utilise the workflow feature to automate these templates.
Note: To edit your templates, view this guide.
Warning: If the Unit of Study End Date has passed, the Unit of Study will not appear in the template.
Allocate a CHESSN
CHESSNs will now be allocated upon reporting student information through TCSI. There is no longer a requirement to allocate them manually.
Resulting VSL Enrolments
The TCSI Course Outcome Code (e599) at the enrolment level can also be set, however, this will be done automatically when the Enrolment Status is set.
Class Matrix
Select a Student
In determining the automatic updating of the Course Outcome Code, the system considers the following rules in order:
- Outcome Codes set to 5, 6, or 7 will never be changed or automatically set. These are manual selections only.
- Setting an Enrolment Status to Tentative or In-Progress will clear the Outcome Code
- Setting an Enrolment Status to Deferred or Suspended will set the Outcome Code to 4 - Approved leave
- Setting an Enrolment Status to Cancelled - With Penalty will set the Outcome Code to 3 - Enrolment cancelled
- Setting an Enrolment Status to Cancelled will set the Outcome Code to 2 - Withdrawn
- Setting an Enrolment Status to Completed will set the Outcome Code to 1 - Completed
Resulting VSL Units of Study
In addition to resulting Units of Competency, the Unit of Study needs to have a Unit of study status code set. To learn more about resulting Units of Competency, click here.
Class Matrix
Select a Student
- Click the Unit of Study update icon
- Select the Completion Status
- Click Submit
Warning: The Unit of study status code will not be updated automatically. An administrator must set this status for each student who completes their unit of study.
VET Student Loans RPL Details
When a student has achieved competency through Recognition of Prior Learning or a Credit Transfer, additional details are required against the enrolment.
Class Matrix
Select a Student
- Select the RPL/Credit Status
- Complete the information of the RPL/Credit Offered
- Click Update All
VET Student Loans Reporting
- Click Generate next to the relevant report
- Click Generate Report
- Click Download your Report
Tip: The downloaded reports need to be uploaded to HEIMS.
Note: The Reported Date in the students Unit of Competency will automatically display the last date the Unit of Study was reported.
Warning: If the VET Provider Code is missing from VSL Settings you cannot Generate Reports.
Managing Revision Reports
- Locate the student
- Click Queue Revision Report
- Use the checkbox to select the Revision Type
- Select the Reason Code (for VET Student Revision only)
- Enter a Comment
- Click Submit
- Run your Revision report
VSL Management Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Configuring VSL settings
- Setting up VSL Qualifications
- Setting up VSL Classes with Census Dates
- Enrolling students into VSL Classes
- Allocating CHESSNs (no longer applies)
VSL State Funding Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Configuring VSL settings
- Setting up VSL Qualifications
- Setting up VSL Classes with Census Dates
- Enrolling students into VSL Classes
- Allocating CHESSNs (no longer applies)
- VSL Reporting
- Adding state funding to VSL including finance models and contracts