A specific funding identifier uniquely identifies training in a qualification funded or initiated by the Australian Government. This identifier is a unique code applied to an enrolment in a unit or module to identify Commonwealth-funded or initiated training. This field is only for use by state or territory training authorities. An identifier must be set when an enrolment uses the Funding source (National) is ‘13 — Commonwealth specific purpose programs’ and the program is administered by state or territory training authorities.
Tip: A list of funding identifiers is available via the National Centre for Vocational Education Research website www.ncver.edu.au.
Add specific funding identifiers
- Click the Add New Specific Funding Identifier button
- Enter the Code you have been provided
- Enter the Label you have been provided
- Click Submit
Update a specific funding identifier
- Click the Update icon next to the desired identifier
- Make any applicable changes
- Click Submit
Inactivate a specific funding identifier
- Click the Active view tab
- Click the Inactivate icon
Tip: To activate a specific funding identifier, click the inactive tab and click the activate icon.
Delete a specific funding identifier
- Locate the specific funding identifier you wish to delete
- Click the Delete icon
Note: You cannot delete a specific funding identifier if it is being used by existing enrolments.
Warning: Once a specific funding identifier has been deleted it cannot be recovered.