aXcelerate allows you to create a range of discounts to apply to student enrolments. You can control who has access to particular discounts using Discount Type. Calculation methods change how the discount value is determined. Discounts can be applied globally to all courses in your system or assigned to particular Workshop Types and Qualifications.
Note: To apply discounts for workshops and classes, the 'Workshop Discounts' and 'Accredited Discounts' settings must be enabled. These settings can be found under the Additional Options tab of your system settings.
Create a discount
- Click Add New Discount
- Set the Name of the discount
- Select the Discount Type
- Select the Criteria value
- Set the Calculation Method
- Set the Calculation Value
- Click Submit
The available types of discounts are listed below:
Category discounts will be applied to any enrolling students that have been assigned to a particular contact category.
Discounts can be made available to any students who can claim a concession.
Warning: No evidence needs to be provided to claim a concession and apply the discount. The responsibility to apply the discounts is controlled by the system user.
Early Bird
This discount will be applied if the enrolment takes place more than a certain number of days before the start date of the course.
Group Discount
The Group Discount is available when a certain number of people (greater than or equal to the criteria group size) are booked into a course simultaneously.
Note: Please be aware that this discount does not function with online enrolments facilitated by the aXcelerate WordPress plugin.
Students will be able to claim the Membership discount if the student has a membership type uploaded to their contact portfolio which matches the criteria.
Organisation discounts are created from the discounts page and then assigned to particular organisations from the organisation update page. The discount is applied to the enrolment if the person being booked is linked to an organisation with this discount or a child organisation of a parent organisation that has been assigned this discount.
Promotion Code
Promotion Codes allow a unique set of letters and numbers to be assigned as the criteria of a discount. Participants can utilise the discount if the code they enter matches that of a discount applied to the course they are enrolling into.
Tip: Promotional codes can be sent out to contacts within the system assigned to particular organisations or contact categories using merge documents.
Tip: The calculation type will determine how the discount value will affect the cost of the course. Percent Off is a percentage discount off the total cost. Flat Rate Off will subtract a static amount from the total value. Flat Rate will set the total cost of the course as the discount value and cannot be applied globally.
Note: When a discount is set to be not in conjunction with other discounts, the system will select the discount with the highest calculated value if an enrollee is eligible for multiple discounts.
Warning: Enabling 'Apply globally to training' will cause the discount to be linked to all courses in your system. If online enrolments are accepted via the aXcelerate WordPress plugin, this will cause the discount to be available to all enrolling students (unless discounts are disabled in the enrolment form).
Update a discount
- Search for the discount you would like to update
- Click the Update icon
- Make changes to the discount as required
- Click Submit
Note: Once a discount has been applied to a booking the discount type, calculation method and calculation value cannot be updated.
Delete a discount
- Search for an unused discount you would like to delete
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Ok when prompted to confirm the deletion
Note: A discount cannot be deleted once it has been used.
Deactivate and activate a discount
Setting a discount as inactive will cause it to be no longer available for any courses that it has been linked to.
- Select the Deactivate icon next to a discount
- View deactivated discounts by selecting the Inactive tab above the list of discounts
- Select the Activate icon next to the deactivated discount you wish to reactivate
Apply a discount to a workshop type or qualification
Setting a discount against a Qualification or Workshop Type will make the discount available by default for all newly created classes/workshops. Global discounts do not need to be specifically assigned as they will be linked to all courses in the system
- Update a Qualification or Workshop Type
- Select an available Discount or Add New Discount
- Click Submit
Tip: You can also specifically apply or remove discounts from course instances.
Note: Assigning a discount to a course type will apply the discount to all previously created classes and workshop instances for that type but it will not affect any previously entered enrolments or course bookings that have been invoiced.
Apply a discount to a class or workshop
Discounts are able to be individually assigned to or removed from particular classes and workshops.
- Update a class or workshop
- Select an available Discount or Add New Discount
- Click Submit
Note: When updating discounts for a workshop instance, you may find discounts are already applied for this workshop type. These discounts cannot be selected or removed from an instance.
Remove a discount from a workshop booking
Discounts are able to be individually removed from a workshop booking after they have been applied, but before the invoice has been paid.
- View a workshop
- View a workshop booking by clicking on the status codes
- Click on the remove icon next to the discount you wish to remove
Note: If the invoice is already locked, removing a discount will not affect the finance details of the booking but it will make reporting data incorrect in discounts reports.
Discounts Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Creating Discounts
- Updating Discounts
- Applying discounts to Workshop Enrolments
- Applying discounts to Accredited Enrolments
Discounts FAQs
How do I setup a Discount to only be available for all Class Enrolments?
- The Global Training flag against the Discount is ticked
- The Discount will be available upon enrolment on the Qualification Fees page to apply to the students tuition fees
How do I setup a Discount to only show for ALL enrolments in a certain Qualification?
- The Global Training flag against the Discount is unticked
- You will be able to either allocate the Discount to the Qualification which will be available for any enrolments in any classes which is linked to the qualification OR
- You can allocate the Discount to a specific Class which will then be only available for students being enroled into this specific class