Certificate Templates are used to generate certificates for students who have completed training. Your account will keep a record of which students have obtained certificates allow them to be mailed to students. Creating certificate templates allows you to configure the layout, content and styling of the certificates issued to your students from aXcelerate.
Tip: Certificates can be issued to students from a class or workshop. Please refer to our Class Matrix and Workshop Enrolments help articles for further information.
Create a certificate template
- Select Add Certificate Template
- Set the Name of the template
- Select the Type of course that the certificate will be used for
- Set the Size of the template
- Select the template Orientation
- Set the Margins of the template
- Click Create Certificate Template
Tip: The type that you select will determine where in the system this template can be used along with the type of certificate the student will be issued. Non-accredited certificates should be set up using the 'workshop' type. You may wish to issue a non-accredited certificate for a PD session you have run internally.
Update a certificate template
- Select the Update icon next to the template you wish to update
- Make any changes to the template settings or content as required
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Note: If you are unable to find the template it may have been deactivated. Deactivated templates can be viewed by selecting the Inactive tab above the list of certificate templates.
Duplicate a certificate template
- Select the Duplicate icon next to the template you wish to copy
- Adjust any of the template settings as required
- Click Create Certificate Template
Tip: We recommend that you change the name of the duplicated template to avoid confusion with the original.
Note: When duplicating a template, clicking the duplicate icon will create a new version of the selected template with "- copy" appended to the name.
Delete a certificate template
- Select the Delete icon next to the template you wish to remove from the system
- Click Ok to confirm that you wish to delete the selected template
Tip: You may wish to deactivate the template if you do not want it permanently deleted.
Note: Certificate templates that have been issued to students cannot be deleted. However, you can still set these templates as inactive to maintain data hygiene.

Deactivate and activate a certificate template
- Select the Deactivate icon next to the template you wish to set as inactive
- View deactivated templates by selecting the Inactive tab above the list of templates
- Select the Activate icon next to the template you wish to activate
Note: Inactive templates will not appear in lists of templates in other areas of the system.
Warning: Deactivating templates that are used in other areas of the system will cause the template to not be sent.

Create a certificate template for a student ID card
- Click Add Certificate Template
- Enter a Name
- Select Portfolio from the Type dropdown
- Select Card from the Size dropdown
- Adjust the form as required
- Click Create Certificate Template
- Click the Update icon for your certificate template
- Click the Add Contact Photo button
- Edit and configure the template as required
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: Please refer to our Contact Portfolio help article for how to issue a Student ID card.