The Certificate Template Builder allows you to customise the content, styling and formatting of your certificates. You can preview your certificates after customising and saving your changes.
Text fields can be placed in the templates to display dynamic information as well as static content. Images and borders are also able to be created, positioned and customised to match your styling needs.
Tip: You can customise the back of your certificate template by clicking See Reverse Page.
Warning: Make sure to save your changes before previewing the certificate. Any unsaved changes will be removed when the template is previewed.
Add an element
Elements consist of the content that will be placed within the template including text, images and borders. Elements are added by clicking the type of element you would like to add from the Add Elements table and then configuring its position and appearance.
The available element types able to be added to templates are listed below:
Text boxes will either contain static Custom Text or show information relating to a database field and display dynamic content according to the recipient or associated enrolment.
Use the Edit Text box to select the field type you wish to display. The available fields will differ according to the Type of Certificate Template you are creating.
- Click Add Text
- Select the Field Type you would like to add
- Configure the styling and format of the text as needed
- Set the Size/Position of the element
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: Text boxes which display database information will be contained within square brackets. e.g [Student Name]
Note: The content displayed in Custom Text fields is entered in the text area beneath the field type.
This option will open a new window and allow you to select an image from your Images Library to include in the template.
- Click Add Image From Library
- Select the image would like to add
- Set the Size/Position of the image
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: If you wish to use the image as a background image, tick the Background Image checkbox in the Image Options function. This setting can be useful to create a watermark and minimise fraudulent reproduction of the certificate.
Note: You need to add images to the Images Library before they will appear as selectable options in the Template Builder. This could be used to insert logos or an image of the CEO or RTO Administrator if required.
A contact photo will display the image assigned as the profile picture within a contact's profile.
- Click Add Contact Photo
- Set the Size/Position of the image
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Note: Click the picture icon next to the contact's name in their contact profile to upload a profile picture.
A border section can be used to help frame the certificate or particular elements within the template.
- Click Add Border Section
- Customise the Border Options
- Set the Size/Position of the border
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Reposition an element
To reposition an element, simply click and drag any element on the page to move it within the template.
You can also manually adjust the position and size of an element on the page by using the Size/ Position box. Alter the values of the x pos and y pos inputs to move the element to a specific location on the page.
- Select an element
- Drag the element to the desired position OR manually set the Size/Position of the element
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: While an element is selected, you can select the Centre Horizontally On Page or Centre Vertically On Page buttons to position the element in the middle of the template.
Resize an element
You can resize an element by manually entering a new width or height into the corresponding fields in the Size/Position table.
- Select an Element
- Input the desired values into the Width and Height fields
- Set the Position of the element
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: Click the Constrain Proportions icon in between height and width as you resize. When proportions are constrained, the element will maintain its aspect ratio and not look squished or stretched. When unconstrained you will be able to freely alter the width and height individually.
Add a custom field
Depending on which type of template you are editing, different Custom Fields may be available to be added to Certificate Templates, however the fields must first be created in your System Settings.
- Add a Text Element
- Select a Custom Field field type toward the bottom of the list. The options will depend on the type of certifcate you are editing.
- Select the Field you would like to display
- Set the Format, Row Spacing and optional Date Mask of the field
- Set the Size/Position of the element
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: For custom fields that support multiple values, the Text Format will display data in-line as comma separated values. The List Format will list the values on top of each other.
Note: The Row Spacing field allows the ability to adjust the space between a list. This does not apply when selecting text as the format or for fields that have only a single value.
The Date Mask field applies only to date type custom field values and is ignored for other types or if the date is invalid.
Formatting date fields (masks)
The display format of date fields in certificate templates is controlled by the Mask field that appears below the selected date field. When creating the field, set the Mask value to the value that corresponds to the date format you would like to display.
Please refer to the following table for information on how to achieve your desired date formatting:
Day of the month as digits with no leading zero. e.g 9, 25
Day of the month as digits with leading zero. e.g 09, 25
Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation. e.g Tue, Sat
Day of the week as its full name e.g Tuesday, Saturday
Month as digits with no leading zero. e.g 1, 12
Month as digits with leading zero. 01, 12
Month as a three-letter abbreviation. e.g Jan, Dec
Month as the full name. e.g January, December
Year as last two digits. e.g 05, 85
Year represented by four digits. e.g 2005, 1985
Example Outputs:
d mmm yyyy
9 Jun 1985
dddd mmmm d, yyyy
Tuesday June 9, 1985
Add a QR Code to a Certificate Template
QR codes can be added to certificate templates within the certificate template builder. This will allow people to scan the QR code and view the details of the certificate and recipient to assist with the validation of the credentials.
- Edit a Certificate Template
- Add a QR Code element
- Click Save Changes to Certificate
Tip: You can also go to the public Certificate Validation page where you can input a student's surname and certificate number to validate credentials without a QR code.
Note: You can use an iframe to embed the Certificate Validation page on your website. e.g <iframe title="certificate_validation src=""></iframe>
Warning: The QR code image will not appear in the Certificate Template preview, but it will be displayed on the certificate when it is issued.
Certificate Template Builder Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Types of Certificate Templates
- Building a Certificate Template
- Previewing a Certificate
- Issuing a Certificate
- Managing and Viewing all Student Certificates