Populating your unit of competency (and qualifications) area is key to ensuring a functional system. Your units area allows you to see all possible units within your account that have been manually added or imported. From this area, you can add, update, delete and manage your units. The units that are contained in this area link to many other areas of the system.
Tip: If you have imported a qualification, all imported units will automatically be added to your units list.
Add a unit manually
When adding a unit there are two different options; you can import your unit from training.gov or manually enter the data yourself that you require. When entering a unit manually, there is minimal information that must be entered.
- Click Add New Unit
- Enter a Unit Code
- Enter a Unit Name
- Update any other applicable fields as required
- Click Submit
Tip: For non-accredited units, ensure you set the "Subject Type" field to Internal. This then means that this unit will not be reported for AVETMISS and no AVETMISS Fields will show for this unit.
Note: We recommend entering a unit manually when a unit is not on training.gov or is an internal unit and thus is not reported for AVETMISS.
Import a unit from training.gov
When adding a unit there are two different options; you can import your unit from training.gov or manually enter the data yourself that you require. When importing your unit, this will automatically enter any basic information and applicable Elements & Performance criteria for you.
- Click Add New Unit
- Enter your Unit Code in the respective field
Enter your Full or Partial Unit Name in the respective field - Double click the applicable Unit from the list
- Click Ok
Note: If no Elements or Performance criteria are added, this means that the unit does not have any listed on training.gov.
Warning: Due to the inconsistent formatting of data in TGA, occasionally there are issues with particular units that may cause issues when importing. If you experience any issues when importing units please contact our Customer Success team.
Update a unit
- Locate the Unit you wish to update
- Click the Update icon
- Make any applicable changes
- Click Submit
Note: Any updates that are made to a unit will flow through to any linkages.
Add a Unit Validity Period
For units with an expiry period, a unit validity period can be used. This will allow for an expiry date to be displayed on templates or even certificates.
- Update your unit
- In the Validity Period field, enter the number of months
- Click Submit
Note: A unit with a blank value will have no expiry. For a year expiry a value of 12 months should be used.
Add unit pre or co-requisites
In the case where you have a unit that has pre or co-requisites, these can be set against the unit.
- Update your unit
- In the Requisites field, select if you are setting pre or co-requisites using the dropdown
- Search for your pre or co-requisite unit
- Select the Unit from the list
- Click the Add button
- Repeat steps 2 - 5 until all pre and co-requisites have been added
- Click Submit
Note: Unit requisites currently only provide warnings to the user when updating outcomes, as opposed to preventing updates.
Update unit legacy AVETMISS fields
After the AVETMISS 8.0 update, all legacy fields have been hidden behind a button to avoid confusion. However, for past reporting, it is still important that these fields are retained and available for you.
- Update your unit
- Click the Show Legacy Fields hyperlink
- Apply or Update any applicable fields
- Click Submit
Tip: For any enrolments on or after 01/01/2018 these fields are not required for AVETMISS.
Delete a unit
- Locate the Unit you wish to delete
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Ok
Note: You will not be able to delete a unit while unit enrolments still exist for the unit. In this case, we recommend making the applicable unit Inactive to maintain data hygiene.
Warning: Once a unit has been deleted this cannot be retrieved and must be added again
Deactivate a unit
Inactivating a unit allows you to maintain data hygiene in your system whilst still maintaining your historical data.
- Locate the Unit you wish to deactivate
- Click the Deactivate icon
Tip: To view your inactive units, click the inactive tab. Click on the play button to reactivate.
Add a unit element
Unit elements can be added manually once a unit has been created (or during the unit creation process).
- Update or Add your desired unit
- Scroll to the Unit Elements section
- Click the Add Elements/Update Order button
- Click the Add New Element button
- Enter the Element Name
- Repeat steps 4 & 5 until satisfactory
- Click Submit
Tip: If you import your unit from training.gov, these elements (if available) will import automatically.
Add performance criteria to a unit element
Performance criteria can be added to an element only after the element has been added to the unit.
- Update or Add your desired unit
- Scroll to the Unit Elements section
- Click the Add Elements/Update Order button
- Click the Hyperlink to your applicable element
- Enter your Performance Criteria and their Order
- Click Save Performance Criteria and Return
Tips: If you import your unit from training.gov, these (if available) will import automatically.
You can also access the performance criteria by clicking the hyperlink of the element directly from the unit update page.
Update the unit element order
- Update your desired unit
- Scroll to the Unit Elements section
- Click the Add Elements/Update Order button
- Update the Order Number of your elements to reorder
- Click Submit
Delete a unit element
- Update your desired unit
- Scroll to the Unit Elements section
- Click the Add Elements/Update Order button
- Click the Delete icon next to the applicable element
- Click Ok
Tip: You can also delete an element by clicking the delete icon next to the element directly from the unit update page.
Warning: Deleting a unit element will also delete all related Performance Criteria. Once a unit element has been deleted this cannot be retrieved and must be added again.
Manage a superseded unit
Occasionally a unit you deliver will become superseded by a new unit on training.gov. In these instances, you can manage superseded units in your account.
- Deactivate the superseded unit
- Add the new unit to your Units list
- Add the new unit to the applicable Qualification
- Remove the superseded unit from any applicable Workshop Types
- Add the new unit to any applicable Workshop Types
Note: This is the recommended process, however, may require additional or different steps depending on your account set up and compliance requirements.
Update the unit timestamp
When on the unit update page, a timestamp will be displayed to show the time that the last update occurred as well as the user that performed the update.
The following actions will cause the timestamp to be updated:
- Adding a unit
- Updating unit fields
- Activating or deactivating the unit
- Adding, updating, or removing unit elements or criteria
Note: Altering assessment or E-Learning mappings does not count as a unit update and will not change the timestamp.
Add a standard assessment
If you have an assessment that applies to one unit across multiple qualifications, creating the assessment at the unit level applies the task to all applicable qualifications.
- Click the Update icon next to your unit
- Click the Add New Assessment Item under the unit assessments section
- Enter an Assessment Title
- Select a Mode
- Configure any fields as necessary
- Click Submit
Tip: Please refer to our Standard Assessment Management article to learn how to create assessments for units within qualifications.
Update a unit assessment
- Click the Update icon next to the unit
- Click the Assessment name hyperlink
- Configure any fields as necessary
- Click Submit
Delete a unit assessment
- Click the Update icon next to the unit
- Click the Delete icon next to your assessment
- Click Ok
Warning: You cannot delete an assessment that is linked to any training.
Inactivate a unit assessment
- Click the Update icon next to the unit
- Click the Inactivate icon next to your assessment
- Click Ok
Tip: To reactivate an assessment, repeat the above steps and click the activate icon.
Add a default E-Learning activity
If you have an assessment that applies to a single unit that spans multiple qualifications, creating the assessment from the unit level allows the E-Learning to be linked to each qualification containing the selected unit.
- Click the Update icon next to a unit
- Click Add Learning Activity
- Select an E-Learning Activity to Add
- Click Submit
Note: E-Learning must be enabled in your account before this option will be available. E-Learning courses must be imported into your account before it will be able to be linked to a unit.
Delete a default E-Learning activity
- Click the Update icon next to a unit
- Click the Delete icon next to a linked E-Learning Activity
- Click Ok