The Trainer Matrix feature allows users to track and manage evidence to support the requirements of vocational competencies, current industry skills, VET knowledge and skills and professional development (clauses 1.13 – 1.16 under Standards for RTOs 2015).
The evidence log allows you to view, review and manage evidence that has been uploaded. This includes approving or disapproving submitted evidence and providing feedback on the evidence submitted.
The evidence log area allows you to:
- Track evidence that has been submitted for the selected trainer
- Track the validation status of the evidence that has been submitted
Note: If you are a trainer user, please refer to our Trainer Portal articles for steps on how to utilise this area.
Review evidence submissions
Once an item of evidence has been submitted, you are then able to review this and apply the applicable outcome.
- Click the Comment icon next to the piece of evidence you wish to review
- Complete the form as required
- Click Submit
Update an evidence submission
Once evidence has been submitted, this can be updated.
- Click the Update icon next to the piece of evidence you wish to update
- Complete the form as required
- Click Submit
View the evidence history log
Each change or update made to a piece of evidence is shown in the evidence history log. This page will show you the date, action, user and any applicable comments or attachments. This is excellent for an audit and retains a digital 'paper trail' for you.
- Click the History Book icon next to the applicable piece of evidence
- Review the table as required
- Click Done to close the window