The template builder not only provides its own tools for building a template, but also provides you with access to the source. This allows you to edit the HTML and CSS of your template to customise it to your needs.
Tip: If you are unfamiliar with HTML, CSS, or are unfamiliar with our Templates area please refer to our Template Builder article that details more standard functions of our editor.
Add a manual field
Manual fields allow you to enter information into a template as you generate it. This means that you don't need to rely on the template always having the required details as you generate it. This is particularly useful if you need to enter very specific, one-time use details for individual people.
- Select the area in your template where you would like to have a manual field
- Enter some unique text with no spaces between two square brackets
Tip: We recommend using [fieldname]. When you have multiple manual fields within the one template, you could use, [fieldname], [fieldname2], [fieldname3] etc.
Note: When using multi-row template fields, manual fields in the same table will not be moved if the rows are shuffled. An example of this would be when unit start dates have been updated. In this situation, the manual fields within the table will need to be individually updated.
Warning: When you generate your template, after entering information into the manual field, ensure you click “Save” otherwise your changes will be lost.
Add a manual text box
Manual text boxes are used to manually enter data when generating a template. This could be used in cases where you have content that cannot be pulled dynamically into your template, however, frequently changes per scenario.
- Select the area in your template where you would like to have a manual text box
- Enter some unique text with no spaces between two braces
Tip: We recommend using {textboxname}. When you have multiple manual fields within the one template, you could use, {textboxname}, {textboxname2}, {textboxname3:inline} etc.
Note: If you need to limit the number of available characters you can add the number to the end of the field. We recommend using something similar to {textboxname:500} or {textboxname:inline:500}.
Warning: When you generate your template, after entering information into the manual text box, ensure you click “Save” otherwise your changes will be lost.
Add a checkbox
Checkboxes allow you to enter ticks into a template as you generate it. This means that you can customise options on a template as you generate it. This is particularly useful if you have a form or document with multiple options and you need to select specific options for individual students.
- Select the area in your template where you would like to have a manual text box
- Enter some unique text between two vertical bars
Tip: We recommend using |checkbox|. Especially when you have multiple manual fields within the one template, you could use, |checkbox|, |checkbox2|, |checkbox3| etc.
Warning: When you generate your template, after selecting your applicable checkboxes, ensure you click “Save” otherwise your changes will be lost.
Edit the template source
The template source provides you with access to the raw HTML of your template. This area is especially useful if you would like to include CSS or your own HTML.
- Click the Source button
- Make any changes as required
- Click the Source button again to exit the source
Tip: If you are unsure what HTML or CSS are, we recommend speaking with your IT team or Developers.
Note: Editing the template source is not necessary for simple template building. However, for more complex templates this will be necessary.
Warning: Editing the source of your template can potentially break the entire template if there is a syntax mistake. As such it is recommended to save your template or create a duplicate of your template prior to editing the source.
Add a multi-row ID to a table
Multi-Row IDs allow you to display data fields that appear multiple times. This means you can display information such as Unit details, Invoice Line Items, Students etc. This is useful as it allows you to send more useful information via a template.
- Copy the Multi-row ID from the reference list below the template builder
- Click Source
- Find the row you want to add the ID to
- Add the ID to the row tag
- Click Source
Tips: To find the row tag for a table, particularly in a large template it can be helpful to add a unique word to the first cell in that row then use the find function in your browser to locate it in the source view.
To easily copy the Multi-row ID from the reference list, we recommend clicking to expand the row and then highlighting from end of the row to the beginning.
Note: The ID is case sensitive. Ensure that you copy it with the same capitalisation as displayed.
Warning: Ensure you include both the opening and closing quotation and triangle brackets (<,>). If you miss this it can break the whole template. It is also recommended that you save changes or duplicate your template prior to adding an ID. This acts as a backup in the case where it does break so that you can reload the template and try again.