Warning: Assessment Plans are a legacy feature and will be deprecated in the future. We recommend using Learning Plans instead.
An Assessment Plan contains multiple different assessment tasks that are linked to a qualification. Utilising assessment plans allows you to quickly link multiple assessment tasks to a class or workshop instance. These plans are imperative to successfully utilising assessment tasks and assessment authoring to their full capacity.
Create an assessment plan
Creating an assessment plan allows you to create a 'template' to easily load into a class or workshop instance.
- Click Add New Assessment Plan
- Select a Qualification
- Enter a Name
- Click Save and Add Assessment Plan
- Click the Plus icon for your Mapped Assessments
Select your Unmapped Assessment Tasks from the dropdown and click the Plus icon - Repeat step 5 until satisfactory
- Apply a default schedule against each assessment by clicking the dropdown if necessary.
- Click Save
Tip: We recommend mapping your Assessment tasks to their relevant Units prior to creating your assessment plan. If you are unsure of how to do this, please see our article on Assessment Mapping.
Add mapped assessments to an assessment plan in bulk
This function allows you to quickly and easily add all already mapped assessment tasks to your assessment plan.
- Add a New Assessment Plan
Update an existing Assessment Plan - Click the Bulk add all assessments button
- Click Save
Note: If you have not mapped any assessment tasks to the selected qualification, this button will not appear.
Update an assessment plan
- Locate the assessment plan you wish to Update
- Click the Update icon
- Apply any changes as necessary
- Click Save
Note: Any changes made to an Assessment Plan here will not affect any existing enrolments or applications and will only apply to new enrolment instances.
Inactivate an assessment plan
- Locate the assessment plan you wish to Inactivate
- Click the Inactivate icon
Tip: To view an inactive assessment plan, click the Inactive tab. From the inactive view, you will then have to option to reactivate the assessment plan using the Activate icon.
Delete an assessment plan
- Locate the assessment plan you wish to Delete
- Click the Inactivate tab
- Click the Delete icon
Warning: Once an assessment plan has been deleted, this cannot be retrieved.
Controlling access to assessments
Access to assessments is controlled via the dates associated with the task (or the enrolment, if these are overridden for an individual student enrolment). These can be dynamically calculated if the offsets are set up as part of a plan prior to setting up the class; these offsets use the unit enrolment start/end dates to calculate the access start/end dates and the due date. The dates can also be changed post-enrolment.
The assessment access date options are defined as below:
The date the participant can access the assessment description
The date the participant can completely access the assessment, including any questions, and make submissions
The due date of the assessment
The last date the participant can access the assessment