The aXcelerate calendar will show any workshops, asset bookings or events that have been created within your aXcelerate system in a monthly, weekly or daily view.
Click the Calendar Icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen
Tip: All-day events or events that span more than one day will be shown as a solid bar in all views.
Note: When adding or updating events, the calendar will determine if there are any timing clashes with people, rooms, and equipment. If a clash is identified, the element will be highlighted red and a warning icon will be displayed. A clash will be shown for a contact if they are the guest of an event, assigned as a trainer for a workshop or student activity, or linked to an asset booking. For equipment and rooms, clashes will be checked against existing workshops and asset bookings.
Create an event
- Double-click a day in the calendar
- Set the Event Name
- Set the time and date of the event
- Select any Guests that are attending the event
- Click Add New Event
Tip: The colour of an event is determined by the event category it has been assigned to. The event categories are able to be configured in the additional options tab of the system settings.
Note: Select the 'Notify All Guests' checkbox to send a system notification with details of the event to each linked guest.
Book assets via the calendar
- Double-click a day in the calendar
- Click the Booked Asset tab
- Select any Trainers, Rooms or Equipment you would like to book
- Select any Guests that are attending the event
- Click Add New Event
Create a workshop via the calendar
- Double-click a day in the calendar
- Click the Workshop tab
- Search for a Workshop Type
- Set a Workshop Name
- Set the time and date of the event
- Select the Coordination Type of the workshop
- Select a Trainer
- Assign a Location
- Click Quick Add
Tip: Click Next to configure additional settings relating to the workshop.
Note: If you are creating an In-House workshop you will need to select a Client Contact.
Update an event
- Click on an event
- Make the required changes to the event
- Click Save Event
Tip: The time of an event can also be changed by simply clicking and dragging the event to a different time-slot or day.
Delete an event
- Click on an event
- Click Delete
- Click Ok when prompted to confirm the deletion
Filter events on the calendar
- Click the Filter icon
- Select the desired filters
- Click Done
Events displaying on the calendar are able to be filtered by the following values:
Entry Type
This represents the type of calendar event/entry on which to filter. "Events" refers to appointments added directly to the calendar. To show all event types, leave this field blank.
This filter allows for showing events only for specific system users. This also allows for viewing workshops by their assigned trainer, as long as that trainer is a system user.
This allows for viewing events linked to a specific list of domains. This option will only be displayed for system users who are not linked to a domain themselves. A filter for No Domain is also able to be selected.
Training Category
This allows for viewing workshops from a specific list of training categories. This option only applies to workshops.
This will allow users to filter on the coordination type (Public, In-House, Timetabled) of workshops. There is also a Grouped option to filter on only Grouped workshops. This option only applies to workshops.
This will allow users to filter the calendar based on the room that has been booked for the event. This option only applies to workshops.
This will allow users to filter the calendar based on the equipment that has been booked for the event. This option only applies to workshops.
Hide Weekends
This checkbox will hide Saturday and Sunday in the Month and Week views. The days will still be accessible if cycling through the Day view.
Fields to Display
Click this button to configure the different fields to display on the main calendar interface. See Display Fields below for more information.
Configure fields displayed on the calendar
The calendar allows you to choose which fields to display and the order in which they appear for particular event types that appear on the calendar.
- Click the Filter icon
- Click Configure Fields to Display
- Click fields to hide or show them
- Drag and drop fields to change the display order
- Click Done
Tip: You can see additional fields about an event that are not set to display by hovering over it.
Switch between calendar views
Use the Day, Week and Month buttons at the top of the calendar to switch between the primary view types.
Tip: Whilst on the Month and Week views, clicking on the text of the individual day will allow you to jump directly into the day view for that day.
Note: The Month view is only available when using Standard resource mode.
Change the calendar resource mode
The Resource Mode will change the layout and view of the calendar depending on the selected mode. The Standard Mode is used by default and will show the calendar in a typical format. Other modes are used to show the availability of particular resources in a Day or Month view.
Default view. Standard mode displays a typical calendar with Day, Week and Month views.
Displays trainers along the X-axis in Day and along the Y-axis in Week view and can be used to find trainer availability for booking courses.
Displays rooms along the X-axis in Day and along the Y-axis in Week view and can be used for finding a vacant room to facilitate training or meetings.
Displays equipment along the X-axis in Day and along the Y-axis in Week view and can be used to determine equipment availability.
Tip: When in day view, if there are more resources to display than the number of columns available, click the small left and right arrows in the top left and right corners of the calendar to show additional resources.
Note: The Month view is unavailable when using a resource mode other than Standard.
Create a saved view
After you have applied filters or changed the view of the calendar, you can create a saved view. Saved views allow you to apply default filters and view types to the calendar as well as quickly switch between various views that you have saved.
- Click the Arrow icon next to your Saved Views above the calendar
- Click Save Current View As
- Enter a Filter Label
- Click the Tick icon
- To add a new step, click the last 'List Item' > Copy > Paste
Tip: If you have not created any saved views before, click the Arrow icon next to 'No saved views'.
Note: Select a view from the list of saved views to switch that view and apply the associated filters. Click the Delete icon next to a view to remove it.
Calendar Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Configuring Calendar settings
- Setting Calendar Categories
- Using Training Categories
- Creating Events
- Creating Workshops
- Booking Assets
- Calendar navigation
- Creating and saving Calendar Views