Training Categories provides the ability to group different sets of courses within your system. Training Categories can used for filtering and colour-coordinating scheduled courses in the aXcelerate Calendar or to group data for reporting purposes. This area of the system is also useful for Online Enrolments as courses that are displayed on your website can be filtered by Training Categories.
Add a new training category
- Click Add New training Category
- Name the Training Category
- Link any relevant courses to the category
- Click Submit
Tip: Select Custom Calendar appearance to assign a colour to all courses of a particular category in the calendar.
Note: Training Categories that are set as a Core Business Area will appear in the Trainer Profiling tool and allow self-assessment of the trainer's capabilities in the Trainer Capabilities Matrix.
Link a course to a training category
- Add a new Training Category or update an existing one
- Click the field next to Linked Workshop Types, Linked Qualifications or Linked E-Learning
- Select a course from the list of active courses
- Click Submit
Tip: Courses can be linked to multiple Training Categories in your system. The colour the course will use in the calendar will be the colour of the category the course was most recently linked to.
Note: If a training category has been set to display on your website for Online Enrolments, you will need to ensure each course has been set to display online before it will show on the website.
Search for competent trainers
This function allows you to view all trainer capabilities for the selected category. This will show trainers in the system who are competent in the courses contained within the selected category.
- Search for a Training Category
- Click the Search icon to View Trainer Capabilities for this Category
Note: The Training Category will need to be set as a Core Business area before you will be able to view trainer capabilities.
Update a training category
- Search for a Training Category
- Click the Update icon
- Update the category or linked courses as required
- Click Submit
Delete a training category
- Search for a Training Category
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Ok when prompted to confirm the deletion
Note: You cannot delete a Training Category if a Trainer has been assigned to the category.
Training Categories Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Creating Training Categories
- Customising the display of Training Categories in the Calendar
- Using Training Categories for Trainer Capabilities