Delivery Locations must be used for AVETMISS Reporting and are linked to all of your accredited enrolments.
Tip: You can set your default delivery location in your RTO/VET Settings.
Add a new Delivery Location
- Click Add New Delivery Location
- Enter a Suburb/City
- Select a State
- Enter a Postcode
- Enter the Identifier
- Enter the Name
- Enter any other applicable details into the form
- Click Submit
Note: As delivery locations are reported upon, these must have a unique Delivery Location Identifier, however, they can have duplicate fields in other areas. For example, two delivery locations can have the same name. All fields will still be reported.
Update an existing Delivery Location
- Click the Update icon next to the applicable delivery location
- Update any fields as required
- Click Submit
Make a Delivery Location inactive or active
- Click the Deactivate icon to set the delivery location as inactive
- Click the Activate icon to set the location as active
Tip: When you first load this page you will be brought to the Active delivery locations. To view the inactive locations, click the Inactive tab.
Delete a Delivery Location
- Click the Inactive icon
- Click the Inactive tab
- Click the Delete icon
Note: You will not be able to delete a delivery location that is linked to a class instance. To delete these locations you must first remove it from all linked classes. For record keeping purposes, inactivating the delivery location will prevent it from being use for new classes.