A combination of aXcelerate features can be utilised to assist RTOs to manage and successfully report Victorian SVTS Funded Students.
Note: For queries on contract or reporting requirements, please contact SVTS.
Setting up Victorian Student Numbers (VSN)
To ensure allocated VSN numbers are assigned against enrolled contacts, it is required to setup your VSN details in aXcelerate by entering your login details provided by the Victorian Student Register (VSR).
- Scroll to Victorian Student Number
- Check Yes
- Enter your VSR Provider ID
- Enter your Username
- Enter your Password
- Enter your Report Deadline days
- Click Save VET Settings
Tip: The Report Deadline is the value assigned by the VSR at the time of implementation. This will determine which day of the month training activity files are to be submitted.
Warning: Your Username and Password are the Login credentials to access the VSR web services. If you are unsure of your Login credentials, simply contact the Department of Education and ask for The Victorian Student Number Department.
Add/Update Contact VSN Information Manually
A students contact page must record if the contact has a Known, New or Unknown VSN. A Known VSN is when the student has an existing VSN, a New VSN is used when a secondary school is supplied on the student enrolment form, the location of the secondary school is within Victoria and the school was attended in 2008 or earlier. For all other scenarios record the VSN as unknown.
- Search for a contact and view their Contact Profile
- Click Update
- Scroll to Student Identifiers
- Locate Victorian Student Number
- Select the VSN Status
- If selected Known VSN, enter the VSN in the text field to the right of the dropdown
- Click Submit
Tip: When entering a Known VSN, the field will be dynamically validate as you type to indicate invalid VSNs.
Add SVTS Contracts
A contract is required to be applied to each SVTS Funded enrolment for reporting purposes. Please refer to our Contracts help article for further information.
Tip: If using contract reconciliation, ensure you have schedules with hourly rates. Please refer to our Contract Schedules help article for further information.
Add Unit Nominal Hours Overrides
If the Unit is delivered in other states with different nominal hours, ensure to add nominal hour overrides.
- Click Add Overrides
- Select the State
- Enter the Hours
- Click Add
- Click Done
- Click Submit
Tip: If the Unit has the same nominal hours, regardless of where it is delivered, then simply add the hours in the Nominal Hours box, with no overrides.
Note: The overridden nominal hours are applied depending on the Reporting State of the Class.
Warning: When using overrides, the nominal hours entered in the box will be utilised for classes when the reporting state is NCVER.
SVTS Funded Class Setup Considerations
Ensure the class state is set to VIC (SVTS). You can select a Finance Model if it applies to all students who will be enrolled in the class, this simply makes the enrolment fee process more efficient. Please refer to our Classes help article for further information.
Warning: If you select a delivery mode, it will override all the Unit Delivery Modes, this may affect your lodgements.
Understand the Student Enrolment SVTS required fields
When enrolling a student into an SVTS reported class, it is important to understand the required fields for SVTS reporting. Key fields are also required for each unit. When applied at the enrolment level, the field values are automatically applied to each unit. You can update individual units if they differ from the default enrolment value.
Warning: These fields are in addition to the required AVETMISS fields, do not forget to complete these fields.
Update the VIC Program Enrolment Identifier
This field is automatically generated by aXcelerate when you enrol a student. The purpose is to link the student between two different NAT files for AVETMISS reporting (the NAT000120 & NAT000130).
Note: If you have imported students through aXcelerate's data migration process, the VIC Program Enrolment Identifier will also be imported from your files.
Warning: This field cannot be edited as it is required to remain constant during the enrolment.
Locate the VIC Program Status ID for an enrolment
The VIC Program Status ID identifies the status of a class enrolment. The field is calculated automatically based on the enrolment status and key enrolment dates.
Note: The VIC Program Status ID is visible on the Qualification Unit of Competency Status & Enrolment Page
Warning: If the field is updated manually, it can no longer be calculated automatically.
Add Program Unique Supervised Hours (PUSH) to an enrolment
The Program Unique Supervised Hours (PUSH) is the total number of unique (non-overlapping) hours of supervised training and assessment activity for the enrolment. PUSH can be manually updated or is automatically calculated from the workshop/s linked to the enrolment.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to Enrolment Administration Details
- Locate the Unique Supervised Hours
- For manual entry, enter the total PUSH (move to step 8); or
- For automatic entry, click More Info
- Check the PUSH is correct
- Click Use Calculated Value (the PUSH will automatically populate)
- Click Update All
Tip: It is recommended to use the timetable feature to automatically calculate the PUSH. Please refer to our Class Management help article for further information on how to create a timetable.
Warning: In aXcelerate the PUSH field is known as 'Unique Supervised Hours'
Apply SVTS Client Resource Fees
The Client Resource Fees are the additional items a student pays for in addition to their tuition fees. This may be textbooks or student packs. This should be a per-unit value. The Resource Fee can be automatically calculated from the Items added to a Finance Model (applied when invoicing), or manually entered.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to Enrolment Administration Details
- Locate the Client Resource Fee
- For manual entry, enter the total value then move to step 8; or
- For automatic entry, click More Info
- Check the Resource Fee is correct
- Click Use Calculated Value (the value will automatically populate)
- Click Update All
Tip: Use the Items List to create your resource fees and add to a Finance Model. Please refer to our Items List and Finance Model help articles for further information
Note: You can have multiple resource fees per student. For example, you may break down your resource fees into Materials and Resources. Each fee can be applied to a different Finance Code (if you wish).
Warning: The Finance Model must be applied to the Finance Details section of the enrolment to utilise the Use Calculated Value feature. Please refer to our Class Enrolments help article for further information.
Apply SVTS Client Tuition Fees to an enrolment
The Client Tuition Fee is the value the student pays per hour. The Client Tuition Fee can be automatically calculated from a Finance Model (applied when invoicing), or manually entered.
Finance Models assist you in managing different fee structures for qualifications offered under SVTS Funding. For example, you may have different fee structures for; concession & non-concession students or student/employer & student only contributions. Please refer to our Finance Models help article for further information.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to Enrolment Administration Details
- Locate the Client Tuition Fee
- For manual entry, enter the total value per hour then move to step 8; or
- For automatic entry, click More Info
- Check the Tuition Fee is correct
- Click Use Calculated Value (the value will automatically populate)
- Click Update All
Warning: The Finance Model must be applied to the Finance Details section of the enrolment to utilise the Use Calculated Value feature. Please refer to our Class Enrolments help article for further information.
Program Supervised Teaching Activity Completion Date (PSTACD)
The Program Supervised Teaching Activity Completion Date (PSTACD) represents the date the student completes their training and assessment and does not take into account time for assessment and marking by the trainer/instructor.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to Enrolment Dates
- Locate the PSTACD
- Click the Calendar Icon
- Use the date picker to select the PSTACD
- Click Update All
Tip: For withdrawn enrolments, the PSTACD should be the last date the student attended supervised training prior to withdrawal rather than the official/administrative withdrawal date.
Warning: If the PSTACD is not recorded, the field will default to the the Actual or Expected Completion Date for AVETMISS reporting.
Fee Exemption/Concession Type (Learning Support Services Funding)
The Learning Support Service Funding was introduced in AVETMISS 8.0. This field indicates the exemption or concession type the student is entitled to.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to Enrolment Administration Details
- Locate the Fee Exemption/Concession Type (Learning Support Services Funding)
- Select the correct Code
- Select the correct Code 2
- Click Update All
Note: A Code 2 is not always required.
Warning: If no code is selected, the default is Z - None.
Updating a Student's Unit Enrolment SVTS data
When enrolling students into SVTS classes, enrolment AVETMISS details are allocated to each Unit. It is important to understand these fields and how to update them should a unit SVTS data differ from the enrolment SVTS data.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to the Units Enrolled table
- Click on a Unit
- Locate the Unit Hourly Rate, this is the Client Tuition Fee
- Locate the Fee Exemption/Concession Type
- Make required changes (only if the above differs from the enrolment page)
- Click Additional Fields
- Locate the VIC Enrolment Identifier
- Click Submit
Note: If you have imported students through aXcelerate's data migration process, the VIC Enrolment Identifier will also be imported from your files.
Warning: This field cannot be edited as it is required to remain constant during the enrolment.
Update a Unit that is not SVTS Funded
If a Unit is not funded the Unit needs to be updated to flag that the Student/Employer is paying for the full tuition.
- Locate an Enrolment
- Scroll to the Units Enrolled table
- Click on the Non Funded Unit
- Select Additional Fields
- Select Not Funded next to Scheduled Hours
- Click Submit
Uploading and Downloading VSN information - VSN Reporting
Training activity is communicated to the VSR on a monthly basis via the upload of a Training Activity File from aXcelerate in the Report Builder. This upload will be performed during the month following the submission period, and contains all eligible students enrolled in a qualifying class of training at Victorian training locations during the submission month.
Students who are to be reported in the selected reporting period will appear with a status indicating if the data is valid or invalid.
- Scroll to the bottom of the list and select the Live Report for VSN Reporting (VIC)
- Select the reporting period for uploading or downloading data.
- Use the Update Icon to make amendments to contact files for students displaying errors
- Click Upload Training File to upload a Training File for the selected period to the Victorian Student Register
- Click Download Allocated VSNs to download VSNs for students with unkown VSNs for the selected period
Tip: Remember that you will be reporting for the previous month, not the current month.
Training providers are also required to query the VSR for any VSNs that have been allocated to students, 10 days following the submission of their Training Activity File. These allocated VSNs will be automatically linked to the relevant student in aXcelerate and used in future communications with the VSR.
Note: The deadline or number of upload attempts for the selected period will be displayed here. For load balancing purposes, training providers will be provided with a deadline by which they should upload their Training Activity File in the following month.
Warning: The Upload Training File button will only be enabled once the displayed data is error free. To edit data, click on the update icon on the left of the student displaying errors.
The Download Allocated VSNs button will not be enabled until the Training File for that period has been uploaded.
Sending VSN Notifications
The VSN Notification includes student VSN and RTO provider information.The notification can be printed, or emailed to students where a valid email address has been supplied
- Search for a contact and view their Contact Profile
- Click VSN Notification
- Click Email Notification to Student or Print Notification
AVETMISS reporting for SVTS needs to be submitted monthly, however it is recommended to run your reports frequently to ensure the reports are error free. Please refer to our General AVETMISS Reporting help article for further information.
- Hover over Reports
- Select the Collection Period
- Ensure Collection Type is Interim
- Select VIC as the State/Reporting Format
- Ensure v8.0 is selected
- Check the applicable Funding Source - National
- Select Report Withdrawn With No Hours to report students who withdrew but did not complete any hours of training
- Click Run AVETMISS Report
Note: If you report your national data to SVTS (and they report to NCVER on your behalf), ensure to select the Domestic Full Fee Paying Students (20) as the Funding Source National. This is in addition to the government funded funding sources of 11, 13 and 15.
Victorian SVTS Funding Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Managing Class and Contract Considerations
- Managing Enrolment Considerations
- Configuring Timetables or Linked Workshops
- Managing Finance Models with items for Resource Fees
- VSN Upload/Download
- VSN Upload/Download
- AVETMISS Reporting