This workflow action is generally used for advanced automation which requires a report to be created with the filters/criteria for the workflow engine to trigger on. When the workflow runs, it will run the report and it trigger an action on each row.
Tip: For templates to populate fields the report must have certain database ID's in the report to allow the workflow to retrieve the information from the database and populate the template fields. eg Contact ID will populate fields from the contact page, Enrolment ID will populate enrolment related fields on the template.
Student reminder of outstanding Assessment Submission 1 & 2 days before a Workshop
This workflow requires a report to be created so that the workflow engine can run the report find the results based on the report criteria and send an email to the student. For example, this workflow will find students who have an outstanding assessment due prior to a Workshop Date. This would be suitable for client who are accredited short course providers.
Creation of the Report
Creation of the Report
- Reports > Reports Builder > Choose the Online Assessments with Class Enrolments Warehoused report
- Set the following Filters:
- Enrolment Status: including In Progress
- Assessment Enrolment Status: excluding Submitted, Completed, Cancelled
- Commencement Date or Expected Completion Date (whichever is applicable: Between N1 and N2 days ahead > enter 2 in both fields
- Set the following Display Fields:
- Contact ID
- Class ID
- Enrolment ID
- You can add other fields if you wish however thses fields are the main ones for the system to recognise who to send the email to and regarding which enrolment
- Click Submit to run the report - it is always important to test the report to make sure you are producing the correct results prior to automating
- Click Save
- Saved Report Name: eg WF Assessments which are not yet submitted 2 days prior to a Workshop
- Description: eg Do not modify this is used for Workflow. This report will find all students who have a unit start date in 2 days who have assessments still to be completed.
- Share Internally: Set this to Yes at the minimum you need to choose the User Role who is linked to the API User, however, you are able to add further user roles if you require.
- Click Submit
Setup the Schedule
- Create a Schedule: Settings > Workflow > Hover over Automated Tasks > Schedules > Click the + symbol in the type left corner
- Schedule Type: Set to Daily
- Schedule Name: The name can be generic as this can be used for other workflows eg Daily at 11am
- Enable Schedule: Tick
- Schedule Start: you can set it to start when you would like, however, you can always pause workflows if you wish to not activate one straight away.
- Run Schedule Every: 1 Day(s)
- Run: Set to Once per day
- Time: choose a time of the day
- Click Save Schedule
Create the Workflow
- Setup the Workflow
- Name: eg STUDENT Assessment not yet completed for an upcoming Workshop in 2 days
- Action: Send Contact Template
- Trigger Type: Report Row Event
- Report: Choose the Saved Report which you have saved in section Creation of the Report
- Schedule: Choose the Schedule that you have created above
To: The Contact(s) below
- Contact: Report Data: contactid if this option is not shown, click on Dynamic Value this will then find the Contact ID in the Report that you have chosen.
- Template/Message: choose your template or update the message
- From: either use your API user or choose another user
- Subject: update if required
- Class ID: this should be pull the option of Report Data: classid if this is not showing it will mean you have not added the Class ID to the saved report. This will let the workflow know what date to populate the template fields
- Click Save Automated Task
Sending a Reminder to the Bill To contact about an Invoice overdue for a Workshop which is scheduled in 4 days
With this action it will send an email and the invoice attached to the Bill To Contact notifying them of an invoice which is outstanding for a workshop which is scheduled in 4 days. The Bill To Contact could be a Student or a 3rd Party Contact. This Workflow requires a report to be able to filter on Workshops which are scheduled in 4 days and to find students who have outstanding invoices.
Creation of the Report
- Reports > Reports Builder > Choose the Workshop Bookings Warehoused report
- Set the following Filters:
- Workshop Start Date: Between N1 and N2 Days ahead > enter 4 into both fields
- Cancelled: Equals > No
- Key Learner Status: choose which statuses you want to filter on eg Booked, Tentative
- Invoice Marked Paid: set to No
- Coordination Type: Choose Equals Public Workshop
- Set the following Display Fields:
- Invoice To Contact ID
- Invoice ID
- Workshop Instance ID
- Booking ID
- You can add other fields if you wish however these fields are the main ones for the system to recognise who to send the email to and regarding which enrolment to be also about to populate the fields
- Click Submit to run the report - it is always important to test the report to make sure you are producing the correct results prior to automating
- Click Save
- Saved Report Name: eg WF Upcoming booking in 4 days with unpaid invoices
- Description: eg Do not modify this is used for Workflow. This report will find all students who have a workshop booking scheduled in 4 days time who have an invoice outstanding.
- Share Internally: Set this to Yes at the minimum you need to choose the User Role who is linked to the API User, however, you are able to add further user roles if you require.
- Click Submit
Setup the Schedule
- Create a Schedule: Settings > Workflow > Hover over Automated Tasks > Schedules > Click the + symbol in the type left corner. If you already have a daily schedule setup you can use the same one and there won't be a requirement to create another schedule.
- Schedule Type: Set to Daily
- Schedule Name: The name can be generic as this can be used for other workflows eg Daily at 11am
- Enable Schedule: Tick
- Schedule Start: you can set it to start when you would like, however, you can always pause workflows if you wish to not activate one straight away.
- Run Schedule Every: 1 Day(s)
- Run: Set to Once per day
- Time: choose a time of the day
- Click Save Schedule
Setup the Workflow
- Setup the Workflow
- Name: eg STUDENT Sends a reminder for payment for a Workshop Booking in 4 days who have an outstanding invoice
- Action: Send Contact Template
- Trigger Type: Report Row Event
- Report: Choose the Saved Report which you have saved in step 1
- Schedule: Choose the Schedule that you have created above
To: The Contact(s) below
- Contact: Report Data: invoicecontactid if this option is not shown, click on Dynamic Value this will then find the Invoice Contact ID in the Report which you have choosen.
- Template/Message: choose your template or update the message, normally you would choose your Invoice Email Body template
- From: either use your API user or choose another user
- Subject: update if required
- Invoice Attachment: this should be set to Report Date: invoiceid
- Invoice Attachment Template: choose your Tax Invoice template
- Click Save Automated Task
Send a reminder to students who have attended the workshop but still have assessments to complete
This action allows you to send an email to the student to remind them that they have an outstanding online assessment to be completed from an accredited short course they attended 2 days ago.
This action will only be able to run based on Report Row Event triggers.
Creation of the Report
- Reports > Reports Builder > Choose the Online Assessment in Classes Warehoused report
- Set the following Filters:
- Enrolment Status: including In Progress, no one should be set to Completed if they have assessments to be as their unit would not have a final outcome yet
- Assessment Enrolment Status: including Enrolled and In Progress - this will find any student who has not yet started the assessment or launched the assessment but have not yet submitted/completed
- Expected Completion Date: Set to Between N1 and N2 Days ago > enter in 2 in both fields. The Expected Completion Date by default is always the Workshop End Date on a students enrolment unless you have modified the Learning Plan attached to the Workshop to update any dates.
- Set the following Display Fields:
- Contact ID
- Class ID
- Enrolment ID
- Online Assessments Enrolment ID
- You can add other fields if you wish however these fields are the main ones for the system to recognise who to send the email to and regarding which enrolment to be also about to populate the fields
- Click Submit to run the report - it is always important to test the report to make sure you are producing the correct results prior to automating
- Click Save
- Saved Report Name: eg WF Students who have outstanding assessments after their Expected Completion Date
- Description: eg Do not modify this is used for Workflow. This report will find all students who have assessment/s not submitted/completed after their Expected Completion Date has passed.
- Share Internally: Set this to Yes at the minimum you need to choose the User Role who is linked to the API User, however, you are able to add further user roles if you require.
- Click Submit
Setup the Schedule
- Create a Schedule: Settings > Workflow > Hover over Automated Tasks > Schedules > Click the + symbol in the type left corner. If you already have a daily schedule setup you can use the same one and there won't be a requirement to create another schedule.
- Schedule Type: Set to Daily
- Schedule Name: The name can be generic as this can be used for other workflows eg Daily at 11am
- Enable Schedule: Tick
- Schedule Start: you can set it to start when you would like, however, you can always pause workflows if you wish to not activate one straight away.
- Run Schedule Every: 1 Day(s)
- Run: Set to Once per day
- Time: choose a time of the day
- Click Save Schedule
Setup the Workflow
- Setup the Workflow
- Name: eg STUDENT Sends an outstanding assessment reminder to the student 2 days after their expected completion date has passed
- Action: Send Contact Template
- Trigger Type: Report Row Event
- Report: Choose the Saved Report which you have saved in step 1
- Schedule: Choose the Schedule that you have created above
To: The Contact(s) below
- Contact: Report Data: contactid if this option is not shown, click on Dynamic Value this will then find the Contact ID in the Report which you have choosen.
- Template/Message: choose your template or update the message
- From: either use your API user or choose another user
- Subject: update if required
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: You can add a filter to the report of Assessment Type so that it will only find students who have not yet completed a specific Assessment Type.
Send a Payment Receipt to the Payer
This action allows you to send an email to the payer with a payment Receipt attached. The workflow will run daily at night to find any payments that occurred that day. You will need to keep mind that any payments via the website will also be included so you would need to filter these out of the report and maybe only filter on the payment types which you would enter into aXcelerate manually. This workflow assumes you have a Receipt Email Body and Receipt templates setup and tested already.
This action will only be able to run based on Report Row Event triggers.
Creation of the Report
- Reports > Reports Builder > Choose the Transactions Live report
- Set the following Filters:
- Transaction Date: to allow it find any payments allocated to an invoice on the day "Today" set the value to be Yesterday.
- Transaction Type: choose Money Received
- Payment Method: Exclude the payments which you don't want this to be triggered on eg Cash as your business process is to send the receipt manually. Eg Exclude, Bad Debt and Credit Note.
- Add the following Display Fields:
- Transaction Ref
- Payer Contact ID
- Click Done
- Click Submit to run the report - it is always important to test the report to make sure you are producing the correct results prior to automating
- Click Save
- Saved Report Name: eg WF Sends the Payer a Receipt of payment recorded today
- Description: eg Do not modify this is used for Workflow. This report will find all payments today.
- Share Internally: Set this to Yes at the minimum you need to choose the User Role who is linked to the API User, however, you are able to add further user roles if you require.
- Click Submit
Setup the Schedule
- Create a Schedule: Settings > Workflow > Hover over Automated Tasks > Schedules > Click the + symbol in the type left corner. If you already have a daily schedule setup you can use the same one and there won't be a requirement to create another schedule.
- Schedule Type: Set to Daily
- Schedule Name: The name can be generic as this can be used for other workflows eg Daily at 11am
- Enable Schedule: Tick
- Schedule Start: you can set it to start when you would like, however, you can always pause workflows if you wish to not activate one straight away.
- Run Schedule Every: 1 Day(s)
- Run: Set to Once per day
- Time: choose a time of the day eg suggest to run it at night around 7/8pm
- Click Save Schedule
Setup the Workflow
- Setup the Workflow
- Name: eg STUDENT Sends the Receipt template to the Payer - payments received today.
- Action: Send Contact Template
- Trigger Type: Report Row Event
- Report: Choose the Saved Report which you have saved in Creation of the Report > Step 1
- Schedule: Choose the Schedule that you have created above. WARNING if there is a payment recorded after the workflow has run it will not send this receipt to the payer.
To: The Contact(s) below
- Contact: Report Data: contactid if this option is not shown, click on Dynamic Value this will then find the Contact ID in the Report that you have choosen.
- Template/Message: choose your email body template
- Attachment Template: choose your Receipt template
- Transaction Ref: This option should show Report Data: guid
- From: either use your API user or choose another user
- Subject: update if required
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: Ensure to test your Receipt Email Body and Receipt templates manually first prior to automating. We would suggest to also test this workflow first on a particular student payment prior to allowing it to be triggered for all your payments/payers.