Bulk file notes




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey All,

    As part of the most recent release, we have added the ability to add contact notes via Classes and Workshops in bulk. 

    For more information check out our Release Notes.


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  • Sam Dridan

    We would love to see this feature included, as it would assist our staff to increase time efficiency for recording information.

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  • Wendy Owen

    This would be very helpful, would use this function all the time.

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  • Karen Lewis

    Not only for a class/group but for any contact fields. I would like to see the Note Types and Notes being able to be bulk updated. I noticed when you Search Contacts and do a pull on specific note types, you can add a new note type but it actually creates a whole new note. I would like to be able to simply update the note type of the original note from here or update the actual Note text. To be able to do this as a bulk update instead of individually would be good.

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  • Leisa Harrison

    Yes please this would be great! same sort of way you do for a bulk email. 

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  • Fiona Burge

    I agree - we send bulk Academic Progress Reports & it would be awesome to put a note showing this had been emailed - especially for GTO employers

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