Bulk Add Note to Class




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey All,

    A bit of a long road on this one and we appreciate your patience. As part of the most recent release, we have added the ability to add contact notes via Classes and Workshops in bulk. 

    For more information check out our Release Notes.


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  • Pip Austin

    Yes, this would be extremely helpful. it is tiresome to add the same note to 20 odd people on a weekly occasion.

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  • Paul Deverix


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  • Mark Costello


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  • Karen Twyford

    Yes please.  This would be most helpful and save a considerable amount of time.

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  • Jeremy Rota

    Yes this would save so much time. It could be handled like the email/SMS feature that has been added to the class matrix. It could be added under the same link. Email/SMS/Note.

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  • Juliet Volz

    yes please! I do this daily for archiving purposes. One note entered once and copied to the entire class and/or short course would be a massive time saver.

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  • Steph Wylie

    This would be so helpful to our trainers and admin staff as it would improve efficiency all round. 

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  • Olivia Joyce


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  • Linda George

    Is anyone at Axcelerate listening to this idea?  It would be so usefull.  Imagine having to make the same contact note in 100 students for a class or even across classes.  It is so impractacle and a waste of time.

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  • Amber Ledgerwood

    Hi Linda & Team, 

    Agree - this would be absolutely valuable to our organisation, and a needed efficiency improvement. Got my vote, hopefully this get's picked up soon. Great idea.

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  • Charmaine Oliver

    this function is much needed currently adding the note type to every sign student is incredibly time consuming.... during COVID-19 we have had to add many updates to groups of students ... one by one 


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  • Gayle Brimble

    We also often find the need to record a contact note against everyone in the class for particular actions / activities, currently we have to repeat the same note for 30 people in that class, rather than being able to type the note once and then select the students the note needs to go against (same way you can select or unselect students in a class for email correspondence). 

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  • Gayle Brimble

    This post is 3 years old - is it worth starting a new thread? 

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  • Pip Austin

    How many Comments or upvotes are required for a suggestion to be looked at?

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  • Linda George

    Philippa, I dont know if the ideas forum is being monitored.  The original idea was posted 4 years ago and this feature is a really great idea.

    For those of us that might be sending something to a class of students external to Axcelerate, or just wanting to make a bulk contact note relevant to everyone in the class this feature would be ideal.  I would be using it on a regular basis.

    It might be necessary to send in an email to the axcelerate customer service team with this request.


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  • Chloe Wilson

    Hi All, 

    Any development on this thread. We would love the ability to add a Contact Note to a entire squad without sending a template to the students. 



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  • Elisha McGarvie

    Agreed this would be very useful. Has there been any update on this ?


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  • Kaycie Bradley

    Hi All, 

    Thank you for your feedback! 

    I just wanted to pop in and let you know that all posts on this forum are monitored on a daily basis and are reviewed by our Product Management Team weekly. This meeting is where a decision is made based on the impact a change would have on the entirety of our client base as well as a number of other factors. 

    Given the number of votes on this post, we've escalated this one again to be discussed, whilst this doesn't mean that this will be placed into development, it does mean it will be presented to the decision-makers here at aXcelerate! 

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  • Susan Dodds

    Agreed - the ability to add a contact note and/or a student activity to a class would be a huge time saver

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  • Bekky Sommer

    I agree, It would also be beneficial if you can associate at a class/cohort level as well as at an organisation level where you can then associate/link a student/employee relating to that organisation so you don't have to duplicant and double handle. Having come from a student management system that allowed this, it was such a time saved for us.

    This would be a game changed for so many RTOs.

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