To continue to improve course management within the aXcelerate system, we are introducing some important changes to the way Sessions, Locations, and Trainers are managed within Workshops. This will give Administrators the tools to provide better information to accurately represent Workshops in the system.
After this update, the following changes will come into effect:
- Complex Dates will be replaced with Sessions
- Workshops that span a single day (Single Bookings) will always create a Session
- Delivery Locations will be used for all Accredited and Non-Accredited Workshops and replace the previous Workshop Location field
- Timezones can be set for particular Delivery Locations which can be linked to Workshops or individual Sessions
Workshop Sessions SHOT
Benefits of Workshop Sessions
Workshop Sessions are aimed at improving the way bookings are managed and making it easier to apply changes to Workshops.
The modifications made to the booking and updating process should enable most relevant changes to be handled in one location, resulting in a more precise outcome. The following are some of the advantages Workshop Sessions offer:
- Better Scheduling: An improved experience for scheduling training dates for Workshops and updating Session details.
- Multiple trainers per Session: Assign multiple Trainers to Workshop Sessions and create unique Trainer combinations.
- Improved Location Management: Workshop Locations are now able to be added and updated across multiple courses more easily.
- Location Timezones: Link time zones to Sessions for better control of Workshop times & scheduling.
- Bulk Update Trainers: An easier way to manage trainers & assessors between linked workshops, classes & assessments.
Workshop Sessions Data Transition
As part of implementing these features, current Workshop data will need to be converted into the new format. During the changeover period, everyone will have the opportunity to review their data in their Staging account prior to the final feature rollout.
Workshop Locations that have been used in the last 12 months will be created and allocated as Active Delivery Locations whilst all others will be created as Inactive.
Workshop Bookings will be converted with the following ruleset:
- For Workshops that have a start date after 1 January 2022:
- If the duration is up to 7 days, 1 session will be added to each day between the start and the finish date
- If the duration is more than 7 days, 1 session will be added on the start and end date each
- For Workshops that have a start date between 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2021:
- 1 session will be added on the start and end date each (regardless of the Workshop duration)
Tip: Your Staging Account can be accessed by following your normal URL for aXcelerate and replacing app with stg in the URL. If you are having issues accessing your Staging Account, contact aXcelerate Support.
Creating a new Workshop with Sessions
The Workshop creation process will now have a few minor changes as it now includes Sessions and Delivery Locations. Changes can be made to each specific Workshop as it is created or updated after its creation.
- Select the Workshop Type
- Select the Coordination Type
- Choose the Workshop Trainer
- Set a Delivery Location for the training or create a new Delivery Location
- Set the Cost of the Workshop
- Add Sessions and Duration of the Workshop
- Complete the Venue Setup or select Skip This Step if not applicable
- Click Submit
Tip: When creating Bookings via the Basic Dates selector, if the dates span a Weekend you will be given the option to include or exclude the Weekend dates. When booking Basic Dates for a period longer than 7 Days, you will be given the option to either put a single Session on the start and end dates or one on each individual date.
Warning: When creating a Workshop Booking longer than 7 days, we would recommend using the Multi-Session selector rather than the Basic selections to avoid creating erroneous Sessions.
Updating Workshop Sessions
After a Workshop has been created, the new Sessions tab can be accessed via the Workshop View page to update a single Session or apply changes in Bulk.
- Select the Sessions tab from the Workshop View page
- Make the required changes to the Sessions including Times, Locations and Trainers
- Click Apply and Submit
Tip: To apply changes to many Sessions simultaneously, click the checkbox next to the Sessions you would like to update and use the controls below to select the changes and apply them.
Delivery Locations in Workshop Bookings
Delivery Locations will now be used for both Accredited and Non-Accredited Workshops, replacing Workshop Locations. Delivery Locations will contain details such as the location's timezone, which will be utilised when displaying time to Trainers and Learners. When creating a Delivery Location, there is now an option to indicate whether it is Accredited or not through a checkbox. The Delivery Locations tab under Courses can be used to manage the Delivery Locations being used within the System.
Creating a Delivery Location
- Click Add New Delivery Location
- Enter applicable details into the form including Timezone and if the Delivery Location is Accredited
- Click Submit
Note: As Delivery Locations are reported upon, these must have a unique Delivery Location Identifier, however, they can have duplicate fields in other areas. For example, two delivery locations can have the same name. All fields will still be reported.
Updating a Delivery Location
- Click the Update icon next to the applicable Delivery Location
- Update any fields as required
- Click Submit
For further information check out our more in-depth Help Documentation
Bulk Update Workshop Trainers
We’ve included a bulk update trainer tool to help manage Trainers & Assessors between linked Workshops, Classes & Assessments. This is available from the Trainers tab when viewing a Workshop and makes it easier to update and reassign Trainers for accredited Workshops from a single interface.
- Select the Trainers tab from the Workshop View page
- Make the required changes to the linked Trainers or Assessors
- Click Update
Tip: Use the checkboxes available on each tab to choose whether the changes are applied to linked Courses & Assessments.
Workshop Terminology
Currently, Users are able to select their preferred common term for singular training events (Workshop, Sessions, Short Course). The introduction of Workshop Sessions may lead to confusion for Users who refer to Workshops as "Sessions" in aXcelerate.
With the release of this update, the option to use "Sessions" as terminology will no longer be available for new Users. We suggest that existing Users review the update on Staging and decide if they want to switch to new terminology.
Workshop Sessions FAQs
Can I opt-out of the Workshop Session changes?
Will I be able to check the data that is being converted before this is switched over?